
react-week-1-rishabh-gurbani created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Objective 1: JSX Conversion

Task Description:

You need to convert your layout assignment to JSX. Break down the layout’s code into reusable React components such as Buttons, Header, Footer, Tweet, ProfileCard, etc. Ensure that each component is in its own file, and organize these files in a logical folder structure.


  • HTML/CSS template successfully converted to JSX.
  • Reusable components identified and created.
  • Each component is in its own file with a logical folder structure.


  • A React application with a UI mirroring the provided HTML/CSS template.
  • A library of reusable components.

Objective 2: State Management

Task Description:

Set up state for the Login/Signup page using React’s state management. Ensure that the state updates as the user types. Implement state for the Home Feed and Profile Page to manage tweets and profile information. Employ Context API to manage and pass down global state where necessary.


  • State for Login/Signup page set up and functioning as expected.
  • State for Home Feed and Profile Page set up and functioning as expected.
  • Context API implemented for global state management.


  • Functional Login/Signup, Home Feed, and Profile Page with appropriate state management.
  • Context API setup demonstrating advanced state management.