A build tool that generates a Web App Manifest, creates all necessary icons, and more!
- 0
[FEATURE REQUEST] Support webpack 5
#74 opened by netheril96 - 4
[BUG] Sharp fails to install on M2
#73 opened by ankitgandhi452 - 0
[BUG] When using publicUrl the paths dont match
#71 opened by aeimer - 0
[FEATURE REQUEST] Multiple icons
#68 opened by aliechti - 0
[FEATURE REQUEST] Manifest id support
#63 opened by JamesAlexanderHill - 3
[BUG] Sharp fails to install on M1
#61 opened by samtsai - 3
- 3
[BUG] UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: Function has non-object prototype 'null' in instanceof check
#44 opened by MeiKatz - 10
[BUG] not working with parcel 2.0.0-rc.0
#40 opened by shish - 1
- 1
[BUG] Parcel v2 bundeled index.html renamed to parent folder name if baseIcon is png
#35 opened by s-weigand - 1
[BUG] Parcel v2 public-url option is ignored
#34 opened by s-weigand - 3
- 2
- 1
'pwamanifest.conifg.js' typo in source?
#37 opened by dannya - 4
[RFC] Test Parcel 2 Support
#16 opened by 101arrowz - 0
- 2
[FEATURE REQUEST] base paths
#20 opened by adrian2x - 1
Move Potrace to separate repo
#14 opened by 101arrowz - 3
Parcel 2 support
#15 opened by vincelwt - 19
[BUG] Plugin parcel-plugin-pwa-manifest failed to initialize: Error: Could not locate the bindings file.
#12 opened by miniBill - 2
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- 1
- 1
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[FEATURE REQUEST] Maskable Icons
#7 opened by deckchairlabs - 1
How can I use this with parcel?
#6 opened by Simon-Laux - 1
Add a full suite of tests
#3 opened by 101arrowz - 1