
I'm really gonna translate HumanEval this time. Y'all haven't seen nothing yet.

Primary LanguagePython

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This project aims to create the largest Dafny benchmark (with >1000 different Dafny challenges) to date and set a tone for the core types of formal verification challenges required for properly evaluating the abilities of Large Language Models.

This repo introduces the benchmark DafnyBench/ and corresponding infrastructure for loading and evaluating the tasks within it. Additionally, this repo contains Baselines/ with baseline algorithms for solving the the DafnyBench/ benchmark tasks.


Within DafnyBench, programs/ contains ground-truth implementations of the benchmark problems (we have ground truth implementations for >1000 of the problems in this benchmark). tasks/ contains the problem setup of each benchmark task. We also include evaluate scripts and loader scripts for running models on the benchmark tasks.

See key characteristics of each implemented program in the programs/characteristics.csv file. Likewise, each task directory has a characteristics.csv file describing the characteristics of each task example. This can help researchers categorize their model's results. For example, it may be interesting to measure how pretraining on Category 1 tasks affects performance on Category 2 tasks.


Within Baselines, the experiment.py script and associated cmdline arguments allow researchers to run the following baseline algorithms on DafnyBench out of the box:

  • Strict sampling from code-phind-llama
  • Strict sampling from GPT3.5
  • Sampling with reflection from GPT3.5
  • Strict sampling from GPT4
  • Strict sampling from Claude 3
  • Verified monte-carlo tree search sampling with code-phind-llama, dubbed VMCTS

Each strategy defaults to running for 10 minutes on each benchmark task example.

Getting Started

Install Dafny locally and the corresponding z3 solver. Make sure these are in your PYTHONPATH.

Install necessary Python requirements by running pip install requirements.txt.

To run one of the pre-established baselines on DafnyBench, run the following:

./Baselines/log.sh Baselines/your_log_filename.txt python Baselines/experiment.py --experiment_name run.py --task fill_body

Solution .dfy files will be saved to the Baselines/outputs/fill_body/ directory.

To evaluate the solutions to the DafnyBench task (which is in this case fill_body), run:

python DafnyBench/evaluate.py --outputs_dir Baselines/outputs/fill_body/

Benchmark Tasks

  • fill_body: fill in missing method and function bodies in a file of Dafny code. We have X problems under this task. The fill_body task has problems that fall into two main categories:

    • Category 1: fill in the body of a single core method based on a self-contained formal specification and docstring.
    • Category 2: fill in the body of a core method and possibly one or more helper functions/methods. the formal specification for the core method(s) may rely on helper functions and/or lemmas. this serves as a more realistic multi-step type of formal verification task.
  • fill_annotations: fill in the missing compiler hints (excluding the formal specification) for code in a Dafny file. We have X problems for this task.

We welcome contributions for future tasks. These may include synthesizing docstrings for each piece of Dafny code, and/or synthesizing formal specifications for each docstring. It would be great to migrate more of the Clover tasks to here.


@misc{sun2023clover, title={Clover: Closed-Loop Verifiable Code Generation}, author={Chuyue Sun and Ying Sheng and Oded Padon and Clark Barrett}, year={2023}, eprint={2310.17807}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.SE} }

@misc{brandfonbrener2024verified, title={Verified Multi-Step Synthesis using Large Language Models and Monte Carlo Tree Search}, author={David Brandfonbrener and Sibi Raja and Tarun Prasad and Chloe Loughridge and Jianang Yang and Simon Henniger and William E. Byrd and Robert Zinkov and Nada Amin}, year={2024}, eprint={2402.08147}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.SE} }


For now rest assured that GPT4 with reflection can solve at least one problem (DoAlgebra.dfy): https://chat.openai.com/share/9a250315-1ef2-460b-9fd2-a941e7e64141