Go library for finding element in slice type or operating set including union, interaction and difference.
it not only supports the buildin types which includes []int/[]*int
, []float/[]*float
, []string/[]*string
, but also it supports []struct/[]*struct
. The latter is very important and convenient
Standard go get
$ go get -v -u github.com/1046102779/slicelement
// find the element whether exists in data, if exist, return true, nil
func Contains(data interface{}, elem interface{}, tag string) (bool, error)
// get the element index in data, if not exist, return -1, nil.
func GetIndex(data interface{}, elem interface{}, tag string) (int, error)
// set difference, formula: dataC = dataA - dataB
// Param tag: unique key. if not , it may be covered.
// eg. type User struct { UserId int, Name string, Tel string, Sex int16}
// var ( usersA, usersB []*User )
func GetDifference(dataA interface{}, dataB interface{}, tag string) (interface{}, error)
// set interaction, formula: dataC = dataA ∩ dataB , it also supports slice struct
// Param tag: unique key. if not , it may be covered.
// eg. type User struct { UserId int, Name string, Tel string, Sex int16}
// var ( usersA, usersB []*User )
func GetInteraction(dataA interface{}, dataB interface{}, tagName string) (interface{}, error)
// set union, formula: dataC = dataA U dataB
// Param tag: unique key. if not , it may be covered.
// eg. type User struct { UserId int, Name string, Tel string, Sex int16}
// var ( usersA, usersB []*User )
func GetUnion(dataA interface{}, dataB interface{}, tagName string) ( interface{}, error)
desc: if the data's type is not []*struct/[]struct, the tag value is empty
For usage and examples see the Godoc
data := []*Person{
Name: "John",
Age: 29,
Children: []string{"David", "Lily", "Bruce Lee"},
Name: "Joe",
Age: 18,
Children: []string{},
elem := 18
index, err := slicelement.GetIndex(data, elem, "Age")
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("index=", index)
// output: index=1
type Student struct {
Name string
Age int
studentA := []Student{ studentB := []Student{
Student{ Student{
Name: "donghai", Name: "Joe",
Age: 29, Age: 18,
}, },
Student{ Student{
Name: "jixaing", Name: "David",
Age: 19, Age: 19,
}, },
} }
if studentC, err := slicelement.GetUnion(studentA, studentB, "Age"); err != nil {
} else {
fmt.Println("result: ", studentC)
// result: [{donghai 29} {jixaing 19} {Joe 18}]
// {"David", 19} is covered by {"jixiang", 19}