
A simple chat server written in Golang

Primary LanguageGo

Chat Server Imp. With Golang

A simple chat server written in Golang, with very basic features:

  • There is only a single chat room for now
  • User can connect to the chat server
  • User can set their name
  • User can send message to the chat room

Communi. Protocol

For this excersie will use simple text-based message over TCP:

  • All message are terminatd with \n
  • To send a chat message, client will send:
    • SEND chat message
    • chat message can not contain new line.
  • To set client name, client will send:
    • NAME username
    • user name can not contain space
  • Server will send the following command to all clients when there are new message:
    • MESSAGE username the actual message

Later will try protobuf, or Gob to write protocol.


  1. run server

go run server/cmd/main.go

  1. run client (in multiple ternimal)

go run tui/cmd/main.go -server=localhost:3333