
A set of methods about granular computing which is realized by python 3

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A set of methods about granular computing which is realized by python 3

基于Python 3 实现的一系列粒计算方法


fuzzy c-means (模糊c均值聚类)

The code is in fcm.py

[U, V] = fcmAO(data, c, m, threshold)

  • data: list of lists where every list is a point
  • c: the number of clusters
  • m: the parameter to control fuzziness
  • threshold: the stop condition
  • U: the membership of every point belonging to every center
  • V: list of lists where every list is a center


[U, V] = fcmAO(data, c, m, threshold)

  • data: list的list,其中每个list是一个点
  • c: 聚类个数
  • m: 控制模糊程度的参数
  • threshold: 迭代停止条件
  • U: 每个点隶属于每个类别的隶属度矩阵
  • V: list的list,其中每个list是一个类别中心

k-means (k均值聚类)

The code is in kmeans.py

[U, V] = kmeans(data, k, threshold)

  • data: list of lists where every list is a point
  • k: the number of clusters
  • threshold: the stop condition
  • U: the membership of every point belonging to every center which is 0 or 1
  • V: list of lists where every list is a center


[U, V] = kmeans(data, k, threshold)

  • data: list的list,其中每个list是一个点
  • k: 聚类个数
  • threshold: 迭代停止条件
  • U: 每个点隶属于每个类别的隶属度矩阵,属于为1,不属于为0
  • V: list的list,其中每个list是一个类别中心

k-medians (k中位数聚类)

The code is in kmedian.py

[U, V] = kmedians(data, k, threshold)

  • data: list of lists where every list is a point
  • k: the number of clusters
  • threshold: the stop condition
  • U: the membership of every point belonging to every center which is 0 or 1
  • V: list of lists where every list is a center


[U, V] = kmedians(data, k, threshold)

  • data: list的list,其中每个list是一个点
  • k: 聚类个数
  • threshold: 迭代停止条件
  • U: 每个点隶属于每个类别的隶属度矩阵,属于为1,不属于为0
  • V: list的list,其中每个list是一个类别中心

principle of justifiable granularity (合理粒度原则)

The code is in pojg.py

granule = pojgMedE(data, alpha)

  • data: list of numbers which are used to form information granule
  • alpha: the parameter to adjust the importance of specificity
  • granule: the information granule which is [lower bound, median, upper bound]


granule = pojgMedE(data, alpha)

  • data: 需要被粒化的数字list
  • alpha: 控制specificity的参数
  • granule: 信息粒,形式为 [下界, 中位数, 上界]

rough set (粗糙集近似)

The code is in rs.py

Roughset = rs(classes, Set)

  • classes: list of sets or list of lists, where every sets or list is a class
  • Set: the targer set which needs to be approximated
  • Roughset: list of two sets, which are lower approximation and upper approximation


Roughset = rs(classes, Set)

  • classes: set的list或list的list, 其中每个set或list是一个类
  • Set: 需要被近似的集合
  • Roughset: 下近似与上近似组成的list

decision theoretic rough set (决策粗糙集近似)

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