
A family of instant messengers created in App Inventor

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

My Messenger Project

The goal of this project is to create an instant messenger with no coding required. I use the App Inventor platform and one of its derivatives (Thunkable Classic) to achieve this goal. The project has been splitted up into several sub-projects

  • Messenger, an instant messenger with account system
  • SecureChat, the Proof of Concept for encrypted chats
  • TextSecure, an instant messenger with end-to-end encryption
  • GroupChat, a Proof of Concept for group chats

All projects use Firebase to store the messages and HTML to render the chat. The projects have been created with Thunkable for Android and they rely on their FAB component. However, SecureChat was designed to work in App Inventor as well

This is an open-source project, help is always welcome.