Recruitment Task


python 3.8.10


  1. Create virtual environment and activate it

    # Linux/Mac
    python3 -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate
    # Windows
    py -m venv venv
  2. Install packages

    pip install -r requirements.txt

(if you want to deactivate virtual environment use deactivate command)

Running project

First make sure that you have activated virtual environment (if you are new to this topic please refer to docs) and also change directory to cd recruitment_task:

  • If running project for the first time you should migrate:

    python migrate

  • Running project:

    python runserver

  • Running tests, there are two possibilities:

    • python test: using standard Django test mechanism

    • pytest: using pytest - recommended only if you are familiar with that testing library

Project introduction

Application which you maintain is about finding investment possibilities for Investors and Projects.

Investor can view a list of Projects that match his criteria and then he can choose which ones he would like to invest into, assuming that he has enough funds.


  1. Add the following API endpoints:

    • list matching projects for investors /investors/<id>/matches/

    • list matching investors for project /projects/<id>/matches/

  2. Add field with list of ids of matching investors/matching projects to details view of Project/Investor respectively.

  3. Logic of investing into projects is not complete - finish it.

When doing above tasks keep in mind that the performance of your solution is important.

Rules of matchmaking logic

Project and Investor should be matched when all of the following are true:

  1. Project will be delivered within Investor's deadline

  2. Investor has enough funds to invest into Project

  3. Investor's per project funding amount is greater or equal to amount needed by Project

  4. Project is not already funded