
GaugeSeekBar is an Android library for displaying round seek bar view.

How to use

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }

dependencies {
    compile(group: 'tenclouds', name: 'gaugeseekbar', version: '1.0.1', ext: 'aar')

Available XML attributes

Attribute name Format Description
startAngleDegrees float Angle between
thumbRadius dimension Radius of default thumb drawable, 11dp by default
thumbDrawable reference Custom thumb drawable to be used instead of default thumb drawable.
showThumb boolean When set to "false" thumb is not shown, "true" by default.
thumbColor color Default thumb drawable color, default value is #ff6f00
trackGradient color array Array of colors used to drawn track, can be contain only one color. Contains only grey color by default.
trackGradientPositions reference Array of floats between 0.0 and 1.0 indicating gradient color positions in track, has to be the same size as trackGradient. If not supplied the colors would be positioned evenly.
showProgress boolean If set to false progress bar will not be drawn. True by default.
progress float Float ranged between 0.0 and 1.0 indicating progress shown by the view. Any larger or smaller values will be interpreted as either 1, or 0.
interactive boolean If set to true user will be able to set the progress by touch, else progress update would be only possible from code. True by default.
trackWidth dimension Width of track and progress bar, 8dp by default.
progressGradient reference Array of colors used to drawn track, can be contain only one color. Contains green and red colors by default.
progressGradientPositions reference Array of floats between 0.0 and 1.0 indicating gradient color positions in progress, has to be the same size as progressGradient. If not supplied the colors would be positioned evenly.


alt text

           app:trackWidth="18dp" />

alt text

        app:trackWidth="18dp" />

alt text

        app:trackWidth="13dp" />