
Easy Docker deployment for V2ray + WS +TLS with Nginx, free SSL and Traefik

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT

v2ray websocks tls + web all-in-one Docker

V2Ray quick deployment using Traefik

  • The Docker image is based on the latest official release and integrated with Nginx and a basic website.
  • Deployment using Traefik, easy operation.
  • Traefik automatically manages ssl certificates.
  • A basic static website is integrated with the image. It will redirect to baidu.com by default however you can replace it with your own real website.
  • V2Ray parameters can be easily customized using the .env file. You don't need to change the docker-compose.yml file.
  • Main parameters you can customize indlude domain name, UUID, v2ray listening port, and the camouflaged path.

V2Ray server setup and configuration

1. VPS

  • To buy a VPS and install Docker engine and git tool.
  • To buy a domain, e.g. example.com.
  • Choose an app name for your V2Ray server, e.g. myapp. Your camouflaged website url will then be https://myapp.example.com.
  • Configure the DNS to point the domain myapp.example.com to the IP address of your VPS.

2. Clone this project to your VPS

- mkdir /app
- cd /app
- git clone https://github.com/alphacodinghub/v2ray-nginx-docker.git
- cd v2ray-nginx-docker

3. Configure VPS

To edit .env file and set necessary parameters. These three parameters must be set to your own values: APP_NAME (as chosen in Step 1), APP_DOMAIN, ACME_EMAIL (your email address for Let's Encrypt to apply for and renew ssl certificates). All other parameters can use the default values as provided. The final .env file should look like this (you should set your own values):


In the above settings, CLIENT_WSPATH is the so-called camouflaged path which should be set to the same value at the VPS server and user clients.

4. Website settings

By default, the caouflaged website will be redirected to baidu.com. You can copy your real website content to ./conf/html folder to replace original files.

5. Start V2Ray server

After above settings, you can run the following command in folder /app/v2ray-nginx-docker to start the V2Ray server: docker-compose up -d. The -d option is to tell the programme to run in the background.

Run this command to check the running containers: docker ps.

To access to Traefik Dashboard:https://traefik.example.com To visit the camouflaged website:https://myapp.example.com

Client configuration

Download the Windows client V2RayN, run it and click the menu: server - add [VMess] server. Please set the values according to the below figure: v2ray配置
