
example crawler

Primary LanguagePython

Simple Website Crawler

The following gist is an extract of the article Building a simple crawler. It allows crawling from a URL and for a given number of bounce.

Basic Usage

from crawler import Crawler
crawler = Crawler()
# displays the urls
print crawler.content['techcrunch.com'].keys()

Advanced Usage

The following is using a cache (in sqlalchemy, crawler.db) and crawl to a depth of 3 from the home page. The no_cache parameter prevent '/' to be cached, enforcing new pull of the homepage each time the crawler is launched.

import re
from crawler import Crawler, CrawlerCache
crawler = Crawler(CrawlerCache('crawler.db'), depth=3)
crawler.crawl('http://techcrunch.com/', no_cache=re.compile('^/$').match)
# displays the urls
print crawler.content['techcrunch.com'].keys()