- 0
[BUG]: Link extension not working
#252 opened by goran-paunovic - 1
- 3
[PRO]: Dynamic Height weird behavior in Android V2
#244 opened by aatar-hu - 3
[PRO]: Dynamic Height weird behavior in Android
#236 opened by aatar-hu - 4
- 1
- 2
[BUG]: ERROR TypeError: editor.updateScrollThresholdAndMargin is not a function (it is undefined), js engine: hermes
#210 opened by UmairHussain123 - 0
- 0
[BUG]: Editor not loads on different projects
#246 opened by Bayramito - 5
[BUG]: Advanced Setup issues
#186 opened by jaybuangan - 1
[BUG]: V0.5.29 ../node_modules/@10play/tentap-editor contains an invalid package.json configuration. Consider raising this issue with the package maintainer(s).
#245 opened by AJPASHA - 3
[BUG]: Font family does not work
#241 opened by Bayramito - 4
[BUG]: How to convert JSONContent to HTML | setContent only accepts HTML string.
#230 opened by vyapak-khare - 0
[BUG]: Adding hyperlinks to the images
#238 opened by Bayramito - 4
[BUG]: Editor fails to load when configuring OrderedListBridge, TaskListBridge, BulletListBridge
#231 opened by vyapak-khare - 3
Get editor schema
#223 opened by PedroPerpetua - 2
Create custom bridge for CodeBlock tiptap extension
#218 opened by hesamzkr - 2
[BUG]: Dynamic Height does not work on expo-web
#205 opened by casperstr - 8
- 3
Issue with rendering 10tap-editor toolbar in Expo project using expo-router.
#200 opened by harshit275 - 2
[PRO]: Pasting links creates duplicates
#233 opened by austinzumbro - 16
- 2
- 1
[BUG]: Size font in RichText
#222 opened by jonhy751 - 8
- 3
- 3
- 4
[BUG]: Toolbar jumping on React Native 0.76
#221 opened by quocluongha - 6
- 2
- 1
Italic deactivates when backspacing from second line to first while bold remains active
#212 opened by SecYJ - 2
- 2
[Not A BUG]: How to set/adjust Image size
#209 opened by NguyenHoangMinhkkkk - 5
- 7
[PRO]: Shift-Enter not working in extensions
#207 opened by zzorba - 3
[BUG]: Unable to insert Links when RichText is nested in a ScrollView
#191 opened by jbernhardt-x-team - 1
- 1
support for accessibility?
#198 opened by jaybuangan - 0
- 1
[BUG]: editorInstance?.setEditable is not a function
#197 opened by Bauss9 - 1
How to add Tiptap Mathematics Pro extension?
#195 opened by rustyonrampage - 2
[BUG]: Editor isn't ready yet
#183 opened by jonhy751 - 2
- 2
[BUG]: select text very difficult
#184 opened by uongsuadaubung - 1
[BUG]: Props in RichText component not working (e.g. showsVerticalScrollIndicator)
#178 opened by davekooi - 3
Is there no onFocus and onblur function?
#182 opened by jonhy751 - 6
Can't set the background color when dragged
#180 opened by jinwon7878 - 1
- 1
[BUG]: Link button icon in `EditLinkBar.tsx` lacks active styling while its container has active button styling
#169 opened by arpitv96171 - 1