
(WIP) terminal todo list manager, with local and remote sync, vim-keybindings

Primary LanguageClojure

This repo is currently home to two related projects:

  • reterm - a reagent / react-like way of creating terminal interfaces
  • terminal-todo - a todo list app that runs in your terminal (built with reterm)


A clojure library for creating terminal applications in a react-like way. The API is similar to reagent.

Wraps clojure-lanterna, which wraps Lanterna.


(ns retermdemo.core
    [reterm.core :as r]))

(defn sub-view [ns]
  [:div {}
   (for [n ns]
     [:div {} (str n)])])

(defn app-view []
  [:div {:bg :red
         :on-keypress (fn [event]
                        (case (event :key)
                          :escape (r/stop!)
   [:div {:bg :blue} "hello" " " "world"]
   [sub-view (range 5)]])

(r/start! :swing [app-view])



When working on a project, I typically keep a todo-list in a browser-based task manager (Asana, github issues, etc.). But, when coding, I live in tmux and I tend to keep a todo-list in vim in a tmux pane (it's "right there", faster, and more keyboard friendly than the browser-based alternative). But now I have two lists, and I have to manually sync them. Ugh!

Hence... a terminal todo-list app, with a pluggable backend (filesystem, Asana, github issues, etc.)

Built using clojure

To run in terminal: lein run

To run in swing: lein run :swing

To run repl: lein repl