
Client library used to access Dash DAPI endpoints

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

DAPI Client

Build Status GitHub Current Tag npm

Client library used to access Dash DAPI endpoints


This library enables HTTP-based interaction with the Dash blockchain and Dash Platform via the decentralized API (DAPI) hosted on Dash masternodes.

  • DAPI-Client provides automatic server (masternode) discovery using either a default seed node or a user-supplied one
  • DAPI-Client maps to DAPI's RPC and gRPC endpoints

Table of Contents


npm install @dashevo/dapi-client



const DAPIClient = require('@dashevo/dapi-client');
var client = new DAPIClient();


Custom seed node

Custom seed nodes are necessary for connecting the client to devnets since the client library is unaware of them otherwise.

const DAPIClient = require('@dashevo/dapi-client');

var client = new DAPIClient({
  seeds: [{
    service: 'example.com:9999',
    port: 3000

var blockHeight = client.getBestBlockHeight();

Note: The seed node shown above (example.com) is an RFC 2606 example domain and does not represent an actual node.


Feel free to dive in! Open an issue or submit PRs.


MIT © Dash Core Group, Inc.