
C# custom classes for .Net Windows Form Application.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

CSharf Custom Classes

Custom Classes for Windows Form Application using C# Developed by Wilfred V. Pine @2020

MIT License

How to use?

  1. Download the Classes folder
  2. Create a Windows Form Application project for .Net Framework Desktop Application.
  3. In your Solution Explorer, right click on your project and add a folder named "Classes"
  4. Then right click on your created "Classes" folder and add existing item. Browse the classes that you downloaded from step 1.
  5. From your project folder root directory (in oyur Solution Explorer), create a class named " Config " and create a public instance of all the classes from Classes folder. See the code below:
    using Classes; // include the "Classes" folder
    namespace MySampleProject
        class Config
            * Database Information
                private static string host = "localhost";
                private static string dbname = "dbinformation";
                private static string dbuser = "root";
                private static string dbpassword = "";
            * Classes
                public Database db;
                public Validation validate;
                public Form_UI ui;
                public Visualizer visualizer;
                public Str_Date_Time date_time;
                public Upload upload;
            * Constructor
                public Config()
                    this.db = new Database(host, dbuser, dbpassword, dbname);
                    this.validate = new Validation();
                    this.ui = new Form_UI();
                    this.visualizer = new Visualizer();
                    this.date_time = new Str_Date_Time();
                    this.upload = new Upload();
  1. To your Form (example; FormLogin), create an instance of your Config class.
    public partial class FormLogin : Form
        Config config = new Config(); // your Config class

        public FormLogin()
  1. You can now use Database , Validation , Visualizer , Upload , Date_Time , & Form_UI Class.

1. Using Database class - this is use for MySqlClient configurations, sql statements, & etc. This will also included the loading of data to a form control including dataGridView and comboBox.


  • MySql Server (Wamp Server)
  • Install MySql Connector .Net
  • After you installed MySQL Connector .Net, go to C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Connector Net 8.0.27\Assemblies\v4.5.2\ and use the MySql.Data.dll as a reference for your project. Note: \v4.5.2\ is the .Net version of your project, you can use other version inside C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Connector Net 8.0.27\Assemblies\ folder.
  • & Now you can use MySQLClient, Good Luck!

Using Database' Methods

Sql Statements

  • select(string qry) or select() method is use for select statements and this method return MySqlDataReader that reads a forward-only stream of rows from a MySQL database.
var reader = config.db.select("select * from users");
while (reader.Read())
  • save(string table, string[] column, string[] bind, string msg = "Successfully saved.") or save() method is use for insert into statements and does not return a value. This methods display a MessageBox for showing the result of your sql statement.

The table parameter is use to pass your table_name from your database, while column parameter is use to pass your collection of column_name from your database table, and the bind parameter is for the collection of values of the columns. Since the msg parameter has a default value, it is optional.

string[] column = { "username", "password", "sex" };
string[] value = { txtUsername.Text, txtPassword.Text, cmbSex.Text };
config.db.save("users", column, value); // config.db.save("users", column, value, "User successfully saved!");
  • cud(string qry, string msg = "Transaction Completed!") or cud() method is use for your insert into , update , and delete statements. This method also does not return a value. This methods display a MessageBox for showing the result of your sql statement, or passing your custom notification message (optional) using msg parameter.
config.db.cud("Sql Query Here","Custom Notification Message");
config.db.cud("Sql Query Here");


config.db.cud("INSERT INTO users (username,password,sex) VALUES ('" + txtUsername.Text + "','" + txtPassword.Text + "','" + cmbSex.Text + "')","User successfully saved!");
  • table(string qry, DataGridView dgv, string[] header = null) or table() method is use for displaying data to a DataGridView Control using the DataSource properties.

The qry parameter use for your sql satement select. The dgv parameter is use to pass the name of your DataGridView Control, while the header parameter (optional) is use to display the collection of custom header name for your DataGridView display.

//using custom header
string[] customheader = { "User ID", "Username", "Gender" };
//the table methods
config.db.table("select userid,username,sex from users", dgvUsers, customheader); // dgvUsers is the name of your datagridview
//the table methods without custom header
config.db.table("select userid,username,sex from users", dgvUsers);
  • list(string qry, ComboBox comboBox) or list() method is use to display data to your comboBox control as an items.
config.db.list("select course_name from courses", cmbCourse); // cmbCourse is the name of your comboBox control
  • exist(string qry) or exist() method is use to validate if a data is existing in your database. It will return true if exist.
if(config.db.exist("select username from courses where username = '"+ txtusername.Text +"'"))
    MessageBox.Show("Username already exist!");
    // save
  • maxid(String column, String tbl) or maxid() method is use to get the last inserted id in your database. The column parameter is the name of the column you want to select, and the tbl parameter is your table name.
int id = config.db.maxid('userid', 'users'); // it will return an int value

2. Using Form_UI class -

This class includes the traditional way of displaying form. Also includes the advanced UI manipulation using MDI or Multiple Document Interface.

The Basic :

  • Show(Form frmNew, Form frmOld) or Show() method is simply use for displaying new Form and hiding active Form.
  • Behind the methods: frmain.Show(); this.Hide();
frmMain frmain = new frmMain();
config.ui.Show(frmain, this); // or config.ui.Show(new frmMain());
  • Dialog(Form frm) or Dialog() methods use for displaying Form as Dialog.
frmMain frmain = new frmMain();
config.ui.Dialog(frmain); // or config.ui.Show(new frmMain());

The MDI :

  • FormShow(Form frm, string dstyle = "Fill") or FormShow() methods is use for displaying form child to your MdiParent Form.

Instantiate an object dash of a form frmDashboard.

frmDashboard dash = new frmDashboard();

Passing object dash to the first parameter, and "Top" (DockStyle property value) to second parameter (Optional). Top property value is use for Dock properties of a form child. The default Dock property value is DockStyle.Fill or Fill.

config.ui.FormShow(dash, "Top");
// Fill
frmDashboard dash = new frmDashboard();
config.ui.FormShow(dash); // or config.ui.FormShow(new frmDashboard());

3. Using Visualizer class - use for visualization of data.

  • chart(Chart chart, string SeriesName, string[] x, int[] y, string chartType = "Column") or chart() method

The chart parameter is the name of your Chart Control. You can add a Serries by passing to SeriesName parameter and AddXY using x and y parameter. x is the legend, name or label of every data you want to display while y is the number value or count.


void loadChartSample()
    // Array Legend
    string[] X = { "BSIT", "BSED", "AB" };
    // Array Value
    int[] Y = { 12, 14, 9 };
    // Pass to Chart Methods = Male Series
    config.visualizer.chart(chartUser, "Male", X, Y, "Pie");
    string[] x2 = { "BSIT", "BSED", "AB" };
    int[] y2 = { 6, 0, 16 };
    // Female Series
    config.visualizer.chart(chartUser, "Female", x2, y2, "Pie");

How to add an item to array?

string[] X = { "BSIT", "BSED" };
// Add 1 item to array X
X = X.Concat(new string[] { "AB" }).ToArray(); 
// The new X is { "BSIT", "BSED", "AB" }

int[] Y = { 12, 14 };
// Add 1 item to array Y
Y = Y.Concat(new int[] { 2 }).ToArray(); 
// Y = 12, 14, 2
  • Chart data from database (Dynamic)
//initialized empty array
string[] X = {};
int[] Y = {};

var reader = db.select("select count(*) as c, course from users where sex = 'MALE'");
while (reader.Read())
    X = X.Concat(new string[] { reader["course"].ToString() }).ToArray(); // string[] X = { "BSIT", "BSED", "AB" };
    Y = Y.Concat(new int[] { Int32.Parse(reader["c"].ToString()) }).ToArray(); // int[] Y = { 12, 14, 9 };
// Chart Methods
// ChartSeries = "MALE"; ChartType = "Bar"; // Chart type is optional, the default is column
config.visualizer.chart(chartUser, "MALE", X, Y, "Bar");

//initialized empty array
string[] x2 = {};
int[] y2 = {};

var reader = db.select("select count(*) as c, course from users where sex = 'FEMALE'");
while (reader.Read())
    x2 = x2.Concat(new string[] { reader["course"].ToString() }).ToArray(); // string[] x2 = { "BSIT", "BSED", "AB" };
    y2 = y2.Concat(new int[] { Int32.Parse(reader["c"].ToString()) }).ToArray(); // int[] y2 = { 6, 0, 16 };
// Chart Methods
// ChartSeries = "FEMALE"; ChartType = "Bar"; // Chart type is optional, the default is column
config.visualizer.chart(chartUser, "FEMALE", x2, y2, "Bar");

4. Using Validations class - use for validationg inputs (keyboard events, mouse events, etc.)

  • The txtRequired(TextBox[] txt, bool allow_message = false, string msg = "Please fillup required fields!") or txtRequired() method use to validate required textbox controls. There is also validation for comboBox controls, the cmbRequired(ComboBox[] cmb, bool allow_message = false, string msg = "Please select required fields!") method. These functions return false if ther is an empty value in the fields.
TextBox[] txt = { txtUsername, txtPassword, txtCPassword };
ComboBox[] cmb = { cmbSex };
if (!config.validate.txtRequired(txt) || !config.validate.cmbRequired(cmb))
  • The alpha(KeyPressEventArgs e) or alpha() Method is use to disable a series of keyboard characters except letters. To use this method, set a KeyPress events to your texbox and call the alphanum(e) methods to it's event handler.
private void txtUsername_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)

5. Using Date_time class - for date & time format conversion

6. Using Upload class - working with files & directories