MIDI-CTRL Framework ------------------- The MIDI-CTRL Framework is the framework running on the MiniCommand devices by Ruin & Wesen. Information about the devices as well as usage of the framework can be found at http://ruinwesen.com/ It contains code to: - control the hardware (LCD, encoders, buttons, MIDI interface, SD card) - handle the MIDI inputs and the MIDI output - general data structures and algorithms (stack, callbacks, vectors, ring buffers, etc...) - create GUIs (using sketches, pages, modal pages, event handlers) - handle FAT32 storage (thanks to the library by Roland Riegel) - interface with the Elektron MachineDrum and MonoMachine - create musical algorithms (sequencer, euclid rhythm generation, arpeggiator) - a big collection of firmwares and tutorials Further information, as well as a wiki, forums and an issue tracker can be found on the redmine project manager at http://redmine.ruinwesen.com/