This project is a simple file hosting service with encrypt files and built with Rust and MongoDB. It allows users to securely store and retrieve files using a RESTful API. The service authenticates users against a MongoDB database, ensuring that users can access their files.
It can be easily up by docker compose.
To easily host the entire application with three containers (MongoDB, frontend, and backend), you can use the provided docker-compose.yml file. It will ensure all the services are running and connected correctly.
Make sure you have Docker and Docker Compose installed, then run the following command:
docker-compose up
This will build and start all the containers, and your file hosting service will be available according to the specified ports and addresses in the docker-compose.yml file.
Remember to replace any placeholders in the docker-compose.yml file with your actual values as needed.
Before running the project, make sure you have MongoDB installed and running on your machine. You will also need to create a user and a database with authentication enabled. To do this, follow these steps:
Start the MongoDB shell by running
in your terminal. -
Create a new database by running
use <database_name>
in the shell. -
Create a new user with authentication privileges by running the following command:
db.createUser({ user: "<username>", pwd: "<password>", roles: [{ role: "readWrite", db: "<database_name>" }] })
Make sure to replace <username>
, <password>
, and <database_name>
with your desired values.
After setting up your MongoDB server, you need to change all strings like env::var("NAME")
with a field with your data.
If you doing all correctly, your code will work.
: Field with AES_KEY
need to insert the string with generated AES in the format like
let mut gen_aes_key = [0u8; 32];
thread_rng().fill_bytes(&mut gen_aes_key);
let aes_key_str = general_purpose::STANDARD_NO_PAD.encode(gen_aes_key);
env::set_var("AES_KEY", &aes_key_str);
To run the project, first clone the repository and navigate to the project directory. Then, run the following command in cmd
to start the server:
cargo run
This will start the server on
or by DATA in env::var("SERVER_ADDR")
Second step is go to the frontend
directory by cd frontend/
command on Linux system.
First, you need to change upload-form.ts
const url = `<addr>${
this.encryptionType ? `/?encryption=${this.encryptionType}` : ''
where is your server addres like
In frontend
directory, you need to write npm run build
and after npm run dev
and frontend part will be started.
To upload a file to the server, you can use curl
in your terminal as one of the ways. For example, to upload a file called example.txt
without encryption by default, you can run the following command:
curl -X POST -F "file=@example.txt"
Otherwise, if we need to upload encrypted file on server, we can use query. Here an instance:
curl -X POST -F "file=@example.txt"
Second way, is go to address where your frontend
part starts.
By standart is
To get file from server if you used cURL, we need to go on the following link:<short_path>/
If file was encrypted, instead need to use<short_path>/<aes_key>
In our case <short_path>
is unique generated_path inserted in MongoDB and <aes_key>
is generated <aes_key> by server, which is not stored it.
If we use frontend part, you can see needed information in Response Data
You also can check my telegram bot, that works with TRustyBox.