
the PDF reader

Primary LanguageC

GREEN - A light weight PDF reader

Green - a lightweight PDF reader for the Framebuffer using libpoppler

This is a slightly modified version.
original version: schandinat/green


green is meant to be a light PDF reader for the Linux Framebuffer. However, it can also be used inside a graphical X11 Session like GNOME or MATE.

green features:

  • uses libpoppler for PDF reading
  • uses SDL to support various frontends (including framebuffer)
  • multiple documents
  • vim-styled movements
  • searching & zooming
  • scheme support



  • C Compiler
  • GNU make or similar
  • libpoppler (including development files)
  • libSDL (including devopment files)

Ubuntu installation:

sudo apt-get install libpoppler-glib-dev libsdl1.2-dev
git clone https://github.com/111116/green
cd green


The Makefile installation currently may NOT be working correctly.
To manually install this program after compilation, run the following commands:

sudo install green /usr/bin/
sudo install green.1 /usr/share/man/man1/


green [options] <PDF file 1> [PDF file 2] ...


green -nomouse example.pdf
green -help
greep -v


-width= with an integer greate equal zero (in pixels) to specify the startup width of the window.
-height= with an integer greate equal zero (in pixels) to specify the startup height of the window.
-fullscreen startup in fullscreen mode.
-nofullscreen startup in window mode.
-config= with a file name of a configuration file.
-scheme= with an <id list> (see below) to select a different scheme.
-zoomstep=<fraction> to specify zooming step (e.g. 1/8)
-step=<fraction> to specify scrolling step (e.g. 1/8)
-nomouse disable mouse
-help shows this help
-version displays version information


<ESC> - Escape current input mode.
q - Quit


h, <left> - Scroll left.
l, <right> - Scroll right.
j, <down> - Scroll down.
k, <up> - Scroll up.
<CTRL-u> - Scroll up a half screen.
<CTRL-d> - Scroll down a half screen.
<pageup>, <backspace> - Scroll up a whole screen.
<pagedown>, <space> - Scroll down a whole screen.


H, K - Go to previous page.
J, L - Go to next page.
g - Go to first page of document.
G - Go to last page of document.
:<n><RETURN> - Go to page n.

P, <SHIFT-TAB> - Go to previous document.
N, <TAB> - Go to next document.
c - close current document.
f1 to f12 - Goto n-th document. r - Rotate clockwise.


+ - Zoom in.
- - Zoom out.
w - fit page width.
f - fit page height.


(/ or CTRL-f)<X><RETURN> - Start search for string X.
n - Show next result.


When starting green in Framebuffer console you might see an error regarding the mouse. If you don't need mouse in the console:

SDL_NOMOUSE=1 ./green 

Should work around the problem. Other wise you should be able to use the mouse in the Framebuffer as none root user. On Debian based distributions:

Create new file /etc/udev/rules.d/99-input.rules:

# file /etc/udev/rules.d/99-input.rules
KERNEL=="mice", NAME="input/%k", MODE="664", GROUP="input"
KERNEL=="mouse*", NAME="input/%k", MODE="664", GROUP="input"

Then issue:

groupadd input
usermod -a -G input [your_username]

Restart your computer and you should be able to use the mouse with SDL.


Per user configuration file.

The system wide configuration file.

example config:

# file ~/.green.conf
SCHEME normal
	Background.Color = darkgray
	Mouse = 0


The original Green source code may be downloaded from http://github.com/schandinat/green/.
Green is Licensed under GNU GPL version 3.
This man page was written for the Debian GNU / Linux System by Oz Nahum nahumoz@gmail.com.