
An android app that gives live information (till date) about the earthquakes occurring all over the world

Primary LanguageKotlin


App description

  • An android app (Kotlin) fetches earthquake data from a network call to an API.
  • This app follows the Android's Model-View-ViewModel, i.e., MVVM architecture with the implementation of data-binding.
  • It has a Range-Slider depicting earthquake magnitude range (eathquakes with magnitudes in this selected range only will be fetched and displayed).
  • Fetching the earthquake data is done in a background thread without blocking the UI thread with help of Kotlin-Coroutines.
  • The app uses Retrofit-library for calling and setting up the API service and Moshi-converter for decoding the fetched the JSON data.
  • The fetched data is displayed in a Recycler view where each item is card view conatining Magnitude, Location, Date and Time of the earthquake.
  • Different color schemes for light and dark themes.

Demo of app working

Overview Screen


Data Source