Simple FragBot Library for Hypixel SkyBlock.
- node.js
- npm
- second minecraft account (can be alt)
Your second minecraft account CAN'T have Dungeons unlocked (under Combat Level 5)
Otherwise the account will get teleported to the dungeons and I have a feeling it may get banned. (minecraft-protocol simulates a minecraft client and doesn't simulate minecraft's gravity meaning the bot will probably be flying)
To install required modules for the fragbot run install.bat file and wait for npm to install everything
To configure the fragbot, simply open config.json and set email and password.
If you still haven't migrated your account to Microsoft, make sure to change
"auth": "microsoft"
to "auth":"mojang"
field is where you wanna put your discord webhook link.
If you don't want webhooks to be sent to your server, just set webhook
value to null
without the quotation marks
In the end your file shoud look something like this
"username": "FragBot",
"email": "",
"password": "P4$$w0rd",
"auth": "microsoft",
"webhook": "",
"blacklisted": ["hypixel","PewDiePie"]
Now that everything is set up, run the bot using start.bat file
If for whatever reason the start file doesn't work for you, start the bot by running index.js
const FragBot = require("./fragbot");
const config = require("./config.json");
let bot = new FragBot(config);
const FragBot = require("./fragbot");
const config = require("./config.json");
let bot = new FragBot(config);
bot.setMessage("join", "Successfully connected to the server as %s")
bot.setMessage("end", "%s was kicked from the server")
bot.setMessage("invite", "%i invited %s to the party. His position in queue is %p")
bot.setMessage("joined", "%s joined %i's party")
bot.setMessage("disband", "%i didn't join the dungeons in time. L")
bot.setMessage("dungeons", "%i joined the dungeons. Leaving the party...")
bot.setMessage("disbanded", "%i disbanded the party.")
bot.setMessage("limbo", "%s got sent to the Limbo. It's fully safe now")
First argument can be:
- join, when fragbot joins the server
- end, when fragbot gets kicked
- invite, when fragbot gets invited to the party
- joined, when fragbot joins the party
- disband, when fragbot disbands the party (user didn't join the dungeons)
- dungeons, when user joins the dungeons
- disbanded, when user disbands the party
- limbo, when fragbot gets sent to the limbo
const FragBot = require("./fragbot");
const config = require("./config.json");
let bot = new FragBot(config);
// FragBot joined the server
// FragBot got kicked
// FragBot was sent to the limbo
// username partied the fragbot
// username joined the dungeons
// username disbanded the party
// to add him to the blacklist do
// bot.config.blacklisted.push(username);
// More of a debug event
// Receives all the chat packets the bot receives
// More of a debug event
// Receives all packets the bot receives
const FragBot = require("./fragbot");
const config = require("./config.json");
let logs = [];
let bot = new FragBot(config);
function log(message)
console.log("["+new Date().toLocaleTimeString()+"] "+message)
bot.log = log
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const client = new Discord.Client();
const FragBot = require("./fragbot");
const config = require("./config.json");
let fb = null;
client.on('message', msg => {
if (msg.content === '.start') {
if(fb != null) return;
fb = new FragBot();"FragBot has been started")
fb.once("join",()=>{" connected to hypixel")})
fb.once("end",()=>{" was kicked from hypixel");fb = null;})
fb.once("limbo",()=>{" was sent to limbo")});
// cba to continue but you get the point