
Primary LanguageSwift


Unavailable SwiftUI Views ported to watchOS


We thought Apple gave watchOS devs a lacking experience. A lot of SwiftUI Views are marked as unavailable for watchOS and it leaves a lot to be desired.

WatchPort tries to bring back missing functionality for you to use!


Swift Package Manager

SPM is integrated with the Swift build system to automate the process of downloading, compiling, and linking dependencies.

Specify the following in your Package.swift:

.package(url: "https://github.com/WatchTubeTeam/WatchPort", .branch("main")),


WatchPort acts as a drop-in replacement. You can use unavailable SwiftUI Views as normal. Importing WatchPort will get rid of 'x' is unavailable in watchOS errors where supported!


Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or pull request if you find a bug or want to contribute. Adding ports for new SwiftUI Views have a few requirements:

  • Port swift file should be in /Sources/WatchPort/Ports/
  • Port's name must be the same as the SwiftUI View's name
  • Initializer must be the same as the original SwiftUI View's initializer for cross-compatibility
  • DocC comments must be added to the port's initializers, pulled directly from SwiftUI
  • Port must have all initializers that the original SwiftUI View has
  • Port should have similar UI and behavior to the original SwiftUI View, adaptations for watchOS are allowed
  • Port View should be wrapped with #if os(watchOS) #endif to avoid build issues

This criteria is just to make sure that writing UI with WatchPort is uncompromising.

Ported Views

View Ported

More to come!