
Make a Ubiquiti EdgeOS image from a system tarball

Primary LanguageShell


Your EdgeRouter's internal USB drive died, and you don't have a spare couple hours to figure out how TFTP works. Run this script instead on your nearest Linux machine and generate a .img that you can dd straight to a new USB drive.


  • If you have a backup config file such as edgeos_routername_NNNNNNNN.tar.gz, copy it into this directory and rename it edgeos_config.tar.gz.

  • sudo ./mkeosimg ER-e100.v1.xxxxxxx.tar (you downloaded that file from the Ubiquiti site. Pick the latest system update for your router).

  • Download the resulting .img if you built this elsewhere (such as on a Google Compute Engine instance that you spun up just for this project). You should have gzipped it because that'll make it around 20x smaller.

  • sudo dd if=ER-e100.v1.xxxxxxx.img of=/dev/path/to/usb/drive bs=1M (adapt to your OS of choice).

  • Insert the new USB drive into your router and boot it up. If you included your backup config in the first step, then your router will start shuttling around packets on your network just like it used to; otherwise you'll have to set it up as a brand-new device.

Inspired by https://github.com/vyos/emrk/blob/master/bin/emrk-reinstall. Some parts of the code were stolen from there as well.

Beware! There are lots of things out there that call themselves "EMRK" and succeed to varying degrees in helping with EdgeRouter unbricking.