
Easy to use Kubernetes port forwarding manager

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT

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Kube Forwarder

Easy to use Kubernetes port forwarding manager

Clusters Page



Kube Forwarder watches for connection status and always tries reconnect on failure

Multiple clusters support

Bookmark and forward Kubernetes services from multiple clusters easily like never before

Share bookmarks

Use import and export functionality to share bookmarked services with your team or simply backup it

Zero native dependencies

Use port-forwarding without installing kubectl and avoid explanations to developers on how to use it

Functionality walkthrough

Add a cluster(s)

Before you start forwarding interal resources to your local machine, you have to add cluster configuration. To do this we have 3 different options in the app:

  • Auto-detection of ~/.kube/config file and parsing settings from it
  • Manual adding of Kubernetes config
  • Import of the JSON file that could be generated via Kube Forwarder export functionality

When you add a new cluster via auto-detection or manually, we could parse config and if there are multiple contexts inside we will suggest you to add multiple clusters to the app. Few examples of yaml files we expect to have you could find there

Screenshot 2019-07-06 at 12 04 45

Add a resource

Kube Forwarder supports forwarding of all types of resources that supported by kubectl – Pod, Deployment, Service.

We ask you to fill the form with the following fields:

Cluster Name - pick a cluster from one of the added clusters.

Namespace - the namespace of the resource you plan to forward.

Kind – pick one of the options Pod, Deployment or Service.

Name - name of the Pod, Deployment or Service.

Alias - alternative name of the resource that will be displayed on the homepage(optional)

Port Forwarding - Fill two fields. Local port - port from your local machine where the resource will be forwarded. Resource port - port of the resource from the Kubernetes cluster

Port Forwarding Form


Kube Forwarder allows you export cluster configuration in JSON that you could use to share with your team members or for the backup purpose. You could easily store it on Github. When you export cluster, you could export it with or without confidential information.

Screenshot 2019-07-06 at 12 12 20

Install with Homebrew

brew cask install kube-forwarder


We encourage you to contribute to Kube Forwarder!

We expect contributors to abide by our underlying code of conduct. All conversations and discussions on GitHub (issues, pull requests) must be respectful and harassment-free.

This project was generated with electron-vue@8fae476 using vue-cli. Documentation about the original structure can be found here.

How to contribute

  1. Fork the project & clone locally. Follow the initial setup here.
  2. Create a branch, naming it either a feature or bug: git checkout -b feature/that-new-feature or bug/fixing-that-bug
  3. Code and commit your changes. Bonus points if you write a good commit message: git commit -m 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin feature/that-new-feature
  5. Create a pull request for your branch 🎉

Getting started


  • Node 10.8+
  • MacOS (if you want to build .dmg target)
  • Docker (if you want to run tests)
  • ImageMagick (to build app icon)


Fork Kube Forwarder repository (https://github.com/pixel-point/kube-forwarder/fork)

# Clone source code
git clone https://github.com/<your-username>/kube-forwarder

# install dependencies
npm install

# prepare .env files
cp .env.example .env
cp .env.example .env.production

# serve with hot reload in Electron Dev app
npm run dev

# serve WEB version with hot reload at localhost:9081
npm run web


Build an application for production

# Build a target for current OS
npm run build

# Build a target for Windows
npm run build -- -- --win

# Build a target for Linux
npm run build -- -- --linux

# You can mix targets
npm run build -- -- --win --linux

# You can build static and target separately
npm run build:dist
npm run build:target -- --win

A built version will be appear in build directory.

Running the tests

We are using Cypress to run integration tests. There are visual regression tests. It's important to run them inside docker container to get same screenshots as in Drone CI.

npm run test:cypress

Or you can run it manually on a local machine.

# Run the web version to test it
npm run web

# Run this command in a separate terminal tab
npm run test:cypress:onhost

# Or you can open Cypress GUI
npm run test:cypress:open

Release guide

  1. Be sure that you created .env.production and filled it in the right way.
  2. Update the version in package.json.
  3. Push to release branch. Drone(pixel-point/kube-forwarder) will build packages for Windows and Linux and upload them to releases
  4. Run npm run release on a Mac computer to build .dmg target. It will be automatically pushed to releases at Github.
  5. Go to Releases in the repository. Make sure that the created draft is OK and release it (Edit -> Release).


  1. .dmg target is added to release by your mac computer. .AppImage and .exe have to be added to the release by drone CI.
  2. A release tag (for example: v1.0.3) will be added automatically by Github when you release your draft.

Development tips

Use tiffutil -cathidpicheck bg.png bg@2x.png -out bg.tiff to build a tiff background for .DMG

Supported by


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details