
:dog: 微信小程序-小商城后台

Primary LanguageJavaScript



This is a boilerplate application for building REST APIs in Node.js using ES6 and Express with Code Coverage and JWT Authentication.

backend technology Node.jsMongoDBRedisExpressES6

frontend technology Angular.jsIonicES6Webpack



Demonstration component


Feature Summary
ES6 via Babel ES6 support using Babel.
Authentication via JsonWebToken Supports authentication using jsonwebtoken.

Getting Started

Clone the repo:

git clone git@github.com:skyvow/m-mall-admin.git
cd m-mall-admin

Install dependencies of backend:

npm install

Start server of backend:

# set DEBUG env variable to get debug logs
npm start

Install dependencies of frontend:

cd public
npm install

Start server of frontend:

# monitor file changes and automatically compile
npm run watch

Other commands:

# packaged and compressed files in a development environment
npm run test
# packaged and compressed files in a production environment
npm run build

Create API document:

# apiDoc creates a documentation from API annotations in your source code
npm run apidoc

Execute tests:

# compile with babel and run tests
npm test


Contributions, questions and comments are all welcome and encouraged. For code contributions submit a pull request with unit test.
