
yolov3/v4 on tensorrt, with fp32, fp16, int8 support, dynamic batch, image pre-process on gpu

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


yolov3/v4 on tensorrt, support features:

  • datatype: fp32, fp16, int8
  • dynamic batch
  • image pre-process on gpu
  • yolo layer and mish activation on gpu with plugin


  • test machine

    • CPU: 5700X
    • GPU: 3060Ti 8G
    • DDR: DDR4 3600MHz 8GX2
    • OS: Ubuntu 22.04
    • CUDA: 11.7
    • TensorRT: 8.6.1
    • GCC: 11.3
  • profiling data

    network fp32 fp16 int8
    yolov3-tiny 1.12ms 0.61ms 0.51ms
    yolov3 7.42ms 2.88ms 1.89ms
    yolov4 8.48ms 5.02ms 4.18ms
  • remark

    • test input is 1x3x416x416
    • test with inference person.jpg for 100 times
    • the cost time contains image pre-process and network inference, no post-process
    • yolov3-tiny with int8 loss percision


  • requiremments:
    • git
    • GCC
    • cmake
    • opencv
    • CUDA
    • TensorRT
  • download this project to your computer, and cd into the project dir
  • init with run script: ./prepare.sh
  • build
    • change the CMAKE_CUDA_ARCHITECTURES value in CMakeLists.txt
    • run cmd: cd build & cmake .. & make -j
    • then the executable was generated in build/bin
  • run
    • generate engine
    Usage: ./bin/yolo_trt build [--help] --cfg VAR --weights VAR --output VAR [--type VAR] [--batch VAR] [--calibration_path VAR] [--calibration_table VAR] [--dump VAR...]
    build tensorrt engine
    Optional arguments:
        -h, --help            shows help message and exits 
        -c, --cfg             yolo cfg file [required]
        -w, --weights         yolo weights file [required]
        -o, --output          output file name [required]
        -t, --type            datatype for infer: fp32, fp16, int8 [default: "fp32"]
        -b, --batch           max inference batch [default: 1]
        --calibration_path    calibration images path for int8 [default: ""]
        --calibration_table   calibration table file [default: ""]
        --dump                dump tensors [nargs: 1 or more] [default: {}]
    • inference
    Usage: infer [--help] --engine VAR --inputs VAR... [--output VAR] [--names VAR] [--thresh VAR] [--nms VAR] [--repeat VAR]
    inference with inputs
    Optional arguments:
        -h, --help    shows help message and exits 
        -e, --engine  engine file [required]
        -i, --inputs  input files [nargs: 1 or more] [required]
        -o, --output  output dir [default: "."]
        --names       class names file [default: "coco.names"]
        --thresh      thresh value [default: 0.5]
        --nms         nms value [default: 0.45]
        --repeat      repeat times [default: 1]
