- 0
webc:scoped :host selector is very unlike actual Web Components :host selector (and badly documented!)
#219 opened by egnor - 1
Scope hash is added to all nodes in page mode.
#206 opened by ztiromoritz - 1
nanoid verison is vulnerable to GHSA-mwcw-c2x4-8c55
#218 opened by marcthe12 - 3
Module resolution `npm:` alias mapping assumes `node_modules` and eleventy config exist in same directory
#211 opened by filmaj - 0
- 1
- 2
Dynamic Prop Cannot Recognize Raw Object JS Data
#209 opened by dwighthouse - 1
Components do not render correctly within `<head>`
#215 opened by ryanisaacg - 6
Can't access data in nested `webc:for` loops
#175 opened by monochromer - 0
- 0
Scoped CSS properties overridden when multiple instances of same component
#213 opened by giovannibaldi - 2
multiple pseudo-class selectors on :host
#212 opened by rdela - 9
How to use recursive (self-nested) WebC components?
#184 opened by Zearin - 1
- 7
Style scoping prefixes nested CSS
#166 opened by riskygit - 0
HTML entities in <style> tags are being encoded
#208 opened by d3v1an7 - 0
Does `webc:root` work with layouts?
#207 opened by urob - 4
- 0
[Bug] Build error when slotting a component into another with `webc:setup` script
#205 opened by hasanhaja - 0
Avoid overloading web standard slots?
#204 opened by mayank99 - 2
Minify CSS
#203 opened by karolisgrinkevicius - 0
- 4
- 0
Content caching when using `webc:setup`
#201 opened by alexnozer - 0
- 0
- 0
Invalid or unexpected token "(((11ty(((permalink)))11ty)))" thrown in moduleScript.evaluateScript
#197 opened by FranciscoG - 0
How to not render empty named slots?
#195 opened by Robertsson - 2
@attributes strips dash from aria-hidden
#163 opened by bennypowers - 0
- 2
Markdown Blockquote Syntax Does Not Render in WebC
#193 opened by spaceninja - 1
- 0
How do you list all of the props of a component?
#192 opened by hasanhaja - 2
Golang or rust implementation ?
#181 opened by gedw99 - 2
webc for loop
#186 opened by LegendT - 6
Computing data without render templates
#164 opened by bennypowers - 0
- 2
- 0
`<link rel="stylesheet">` elements generated in `webc:for` are removed for bundling but not part of the bundle
#188 opened by riskygit - 0
- 9
Nesting Question
#183 opened by sc0ttes - 0
Standalone WebC CLI
#182 opened by dz4k - 4
bug: `webc:for` does not work with any Iterable
#179 opened by Zearin - 0
`@attributes` not allowing `-` hypenated attributes
#178 opened by zeroedin - 0
Investigate async generators for streaming
#177 opened by Zearin - 7
Scoped Webc Functions Lose Correct Page Context
#174 opened by CanIGetaPR - 2
- 1
JSDoc style comment format to document/typecheck/autocomplete attributes and properties
#171 opened by zachleat - 4
Adding a webc:setup block to the top of a layout breaks it without reporting any errors
#172 opened by CanIGetaPR - 1