List Users Test the retrieval of a list of users and validate the structure and content of the response. Endpoint: GET /api/users
Single User Test the retrieval of a single user by ID. Endpoint: GET /api/users/{id}
Single User Not Found Test retrieving a user with an invalid ID to ensure proper error handling. Endpoint: GET /api/users/{invalid-id}
List Resources Test the retrieval of a list of resources (e.g., colours, products). Endpoint: GET /api/unknown
Single Resource Test the retrieval of a single resource by ID. Endpoint: GET /api/unknown/{id}
Single Resource Not Found Test retrieving a resource with an invalid ID to ensure proper error handling. Endpoint: GET /api/unknown/{invalid-id}
Create User Test creating a new user using a POST request and ensure the user is added correctly. Endpoint: POST /api/users
Update User (PUT) Test updating a user's data using a PUT request (full update). Endpoint: PUT /api/users/{id}
Update User (PATCH) Test updating a user using a PATCH request (partial update). Endpoint: PATCH /api/users/{id}
Delete User Test deleting a user by ID. Endpoint: DELETE /api/users/{id}
Register - Successful Test a successful registration scenario. Endpoint: POST /api/register
Register - Unsuccessful Test an unsuccessful registration scenario (e.g., missing fields). Endpoint: POST /api/register
Login - Successful Test a successful login scenario. Endpoint: POST /api/login
Login - Unsuccessful Test an unsuccessful login scenario (e.g., missing fields). Endpoint: POST /api/login
Delayed Response Test the delayed response scenario provided by the ReqRes API to simulate loading times in real applications. Endpoint: GET /api/users?delay=3