121onto's Following
- adamwulfMilestone Made
- alrra
- arron-greenNYC
- ayendeHibernating Rhinos
- bbatsovToptal (@toptal)
- begriffsMinneapolis
- blingNYC
- brandonmencErie, PA
- cameronmarlow@Apella-Technology
- cjohansenhttps://mattilsynet.no
- craffelUniversity of Toronto
- dnouriSweden
- ebenolsonPresco Engineering
- f0kJohannes Kepler University Linz
- fchollet
- getifyGetify Solutions
- happiHappiHacking AB
- jamesmoss@tesslio
- jduclosBoston MA
- jeffgericksonSiebel School of Computing and Data Science, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- jrallisoncustomer.io
- kenwheelerWheeler Audio
- kumailhtDubai, UAE
- luispedroQueensland University of Technology
- magnarsMattilsynet
- mcarniolRutgers Business School
- mperhamContributed Systems
- nex3@google
- pdollarFacebook
- robjhyndmanMonash University
- rodrigobZürich, Switzerland.
- skaaeCopenhagen
- SmeritySan Francisco, California
- timbl@inrupt
- ujibangSoftInstigate
- zeilerClarifai, Inc.