
Mod [assets] that makes My Catgirl Maid characters your advisors

Katulinian (& Miyu) Advisors for Sid Meier's Civilization III


This mod replaces the Civ3 advisors with Katulinians and Miyu from My Catgirl Maid Thinks She Runs the Place.

Sprites used can be considered spoilers for the visual novel - you have been warned.


There's six advisors but only four characters' worth of sprites, thus:

  • Characters will be reused.
  • Sprites will not change with eras.

Character List

  • Domestic Advisor: Angelica
  • Trade Advisor: Casual Miyu
  • Military Advisor: Guard Madeline
  • Foreign Advisor: Dress/Hatted Cynthia
  • Culture Advisor: Office Madeline
  • Science Advisor: Maid Cynthia


Downloads will be available on the releases page. Altneratively, you can just clone this repository.

Via Conquest

This requires Civ3: Conquests or Civ3: Complete to use.

For ease of use, a Conquests scenario is provided to allow you to play an otherwise vanilla game of Civ3 with the Katulinian advisors without needing to modify any game files.

  1. Copy KatulinianAdvisors (the directory) and KatulinianAdvisors.biq into the Conquests directory (the one that contains the Conquests! scenarios). For example, for Civ3: Complete, this will be (Civ3 root)/Conquests/Conquests.
  2. Launch the game and select KatulinianAdvisors from the Conquests list. Set up and play the game as you normally would.

Manual Installation

For users without Conquests or Complete, users who want to add these to a larger modpack, or users who want to overwrite the vanilla game files, you can still install the assets manually.

  1. Copy the contents of KatulinianAdvisors/Art/SmallHeads into the (root folder)/Art/SmallHeads directory of your choice. Overwrite if prompted.

(root folder) can be the actual Civ3 root folder if you wish to replace the vanilla game files. Doing so would give you the Katulinian advisors across all games, regardless of the scenario or mods you are using, except if a scenario provides its own advisor head assets, since scenario assets override corresponding assets in the vanilla game files. Otherwise, it should be the root folder of the scenario you want to add the Katulinian advisors to.

Remember to back up a copy of the files you are overwriting!


Click here to view sample screenshots.