
This repo relates to the multi robot task allocation framework that is developed by ORU univ. This code is meant to integrated with DKA fron KMI lab in the Opeb Uni.

Primary LanguageJava

== == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == ==
= Meta-CSP Framework project template.                                      =
= The Meta-CSP Framework is available on Maven Central and at metacsp.org.  =
= (c) 2014 Federico Pecora - http://metacsp.org                             =
== == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == ==

-- Current version --

At the time of writing, the current stable version number was 1.0.255.
Check Maven central or metacsp.org to find the current latest version

If you want to use the framework within your own non-Gradle, non-Maven
build environment, get the latest binary, source and Javadoc JARs from
the Maven Central website (see metacsp.org).

-- Gradle build instructions --

Enter the directory with the file build.gradle and issue the command:

$ gradle install

To test the build, issue the following:

$ gradle run

The 'clean' target will clean up the build directory. The target
'javadoc' can be used to generate API documentation (Javadoc) for your
project, which will be placed in build/docs/javadoc.

-- Preparing an Eclipse project --

If developing in Eclipse, consider using the 'eclipse' target:

$ gradle eclipse

This will prepare the directory with .classpath, .settings and
.project files. The directory can then be used as source for a new
Eclipse project which will have all dependencies properly set.

-- Using the compiled library in other Gradle projects --

The 'install' target builds the artifact
project-template-0.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar, and places it into your local
Maven repository (the location is
~/.m2/repository/se.oru.aass/project-template/). You can use the newly
compiled version of your project in another Gradle-based project by
including the following in the project's build.gradle:

repositories {
   //any other repo you may need for your project

dependencies {
   compile 'se.oru.aass:project-template:0.0.0-SNAPSHOT'
   //any other dependency you may have

-- EOF --