
Discord bots for Spartacus and Spartacadabra ecosystem

How to Run

  1. Create a .env file
  2. Create a discord token for each bot you would like to run
  3. Specify the discord token for each bot in the .env file using the following format <BOT_NAME_IN_UPPER_SNAKE_CASE>_TOKEN=<token>
    e.g. to run the SPA Rebase Timer bot, the .env will need a line like: SPA_REBASE_TIMER_TOKEN=xxxxxxx

Available bots

  • SPA Rebase Timer: Shows the time remaining until the next rebase
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  • Avail Lambda wsSPA: Shows total amount of LAMBDA available to borrow using wsSPA as collateral
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  • Avail Lambda wFTM: Shows total amount of LAMBDA available to borrow using wFTM as collateral
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  • SPA Current Index: Shows current SPA index
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  • SPA Price: Shows current SPA price
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  • wsSPA Price: Shows current wsSPA price
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