Data Science enthusiast and Competitive coder . Good knowledge of Data structure and Algorithm. Proficient in languages like C++,C and Python. Basic knowledge o
Pinned Repositories
This is 3rd part of 100 Days coding challenege . I am continuing this challenge as this has become my habit to solve atleast a coding problem daily . I will be adding solutions to solved coding problem in this repo. I will be solving prolems from codeforces, codechef , leetocde, atcode,hackerearth , hackerrank , topcoder, cses . You will find contest solutions too . I will add problems and solutions of google kicstart problems too.
This is 100 days of competitive coding challenege . You have details of all the problem and solution that I will be solving daily for 100 days consecutively . I have added link to all the questions in read me according to days , you can try solving on your own before watching solution .
This is a 100 Days of Competitve programming challenege . I will be solving problems of competitive Programming from several sites . The main focus of this challenege would be prepared for "ICPC" and "GOOGLE CODEJAM".
This is smaller version of past challenges that we have done , main content of this repository is going to be Competitive programming problems which I will solve daily including one from contests.
I am creating this repository for helping out students and others who always look for good problems from each topic. I will only add problems which I think are good and will help solver revise and prepare for their interviews ,online assements .Problems will from various coding platforms Codeforces,Codechef,leetcode,Atcoder etc.
This repo contains leetcode question solutions . I try to add solutions of as many solutions as I can .
This repository will contain topic wise problems and solutions that I will solve on daily basis . The main purpose of this is to categorise the problems that I solve on daily basis to make them more helpful when I want to search and practise problems .
123pk's Repositories
This is 100 days of competitive coding challenege . You have details of all the problem and solution that I will be solving daily for 100 days consecutively . I have added link to all the questions in read me according to days , you can try solving on your own before watching solution .
This is a 100 Days of Competitve programming challenege . I will be solving problems of competitive Programming from several sites . The main focus of this challenege would be prepared for "ICPC" and "GOOGLE CODEJAM".
This repo contains leetcode question solutions . I try to add solutions of as many solutions as I can .
This is smaller version of past challenges that we have done , main content of this repository is going to be Competitive programming problems which I will solve daily including one from contests.
This is 3rd part of 100 Days coding challenege . I am continuing this challenge as this has become my habit to solve atleast a coding problem daily . I will be adding solutions to solved coding problem in this repo. I will be solving prolems from codeforces, codechef , leetocde, atcode,hackerearth , hackerrank , topcoder, cses . You will find contest solutions too . I will add problems and solutions of google kicstart problems too.
I am creating this repository for helping out students and others who always look for good problems from each topic. I will only add problems which I think are good and will help solver revise and prepare for their interviews ,online assements .Problems will from various coding platforms Codeforces,Codechef,leetcode,Atcoder etc.
This repository will contain topic wise problems and solutions that I will solve on daily basis . The main purpose of this is to categorise the problems that I solve on daily basis to make them more helpful when I want to search and practise problems .
This repo will contain my solution for CSES problem set mostly in c++ and convering topics like Graphs,Trees,Dp,sorting,searching etc.