
Document Similarity Prediction


  • We used Google patent, randomly extract 420 pairs patents from 2019 to 2020, with which we perform expert validation
  • The expert panel whom has expertise in Data Analytics, Data Mining, and Artificial Intelligence assesses how semantically similar two patents
  • We used the score of law expert when there was a large difference in scores between experts.
Expert Frequency
Expert panel 335
Law Expert 85
Total 420

Model Structure

  • Semantic Similarity

  • Technical Similarity

    • $Intersection_{A,B}=Patent_{A} \cap Patent_{B}$
    • $Union_{A,B}=Patent_{A} \cup Patent_{B}$
    • $TD_{A,B}={Intersection_{A,B} \over Union_{A,B}}$
  • Hybrid Similarity

    • $SDTD_{A,B}={(TD+1) \cdot SD \over 2}$


Model Pearson Spearman
CNN 0.074951 0.035229
LSTM 0.05409 0.05967
Bi-LSTM 0.14646 0.185534
BERT 0.507742 0.542219
Proposed model 0.56935 0.644496