Nameserver Sort

Generates a list of nameservers sorted by their resolve ms


Install dependencies via npm and run the nameserver-sort.js file


Country Code

Fetch the entries for Kenya:

./nameserver-sort.js -c ke

Write Path

Fetch the entries for the US and save the results in the user's downloads directory

./nameserver-sort.js -w ~/Downloads

Debug Printing

Enable debug printing on the command line

./nameserver-sort.js -d

Max Servers

Limit the maximum amount of servers to test to 10

./nameserver-sort.js -m 10


Use a custom filename 'test' for the output

./nameserver-sort.js -f test

Min. Replies

Use a custom amount of minimum replies, i.e. 25

./nameserver-sort.js -r 10


Use a custom timeout, i.e. 10 seconds

./nameserver-sort.js -t 10