
Google Map JavaScript API Wrapper for Svelte

Primary LanguageSvelte


warning: This repository is under development


・Google Map JavaScript API Wrapper for Svelte
・Svelte 4 Supported


npm install svelte-google-maps-api



LoadScript is a Svelte component that handles the loading of Google Maps JavaScript API script.


Prop Type Description
apiKey string Google Maps API Key
libraries string[] An array of Google Map libraries to be loaded with the script.


GoogleMap is a component for rendering a Google Map.


Prop Type Description
id string An identifier for the map container.
options google.maps.MapOptions Google Map options object.
onClick (e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent) => void Callback function that is called when the map is clicked.
onDblClick (e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent) => void Callback function that is called when the map is double clicked.
onDragEnd (e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent) => void Callback function that is called when the drag ends.
onDragStart (e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent) => void Callback function that is called when the drag starts.
onMouseDown (e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent) => void Callback function that is called when the mouse button is pressed.
onMouseMove (e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent) => void Callback function that is called when the mouse pointer moves.
onMouseOut (e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent) => void Callback function that is called when the mouse pointer moves out of the map.
onMouseOver (e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent) => void Callback function that is called when the mouse pointer moves over the map.
onMouseUp (e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent) => void Callback function that is called when the mouse button is released.
onRightClick (e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent) => void Callback function that is called when the map is right clicked.
onDrag (e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent) => void Callback function that is called when the map is dragged.
onCenterChanged (e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent) => void Callback function that is called when the center of the map changes.
onLoad (map: google.maps.Map) => void Callback function that is called when the map is loaded.
onUnmount (map: google.maps.Map) => void Callback function that is called when the map unmounts.
mapContainerStyle string Style for the map container. Default is 'width:100%;height:100%'.
mapContainerClassName string Class name for the map container.


The GoogleMap component can be used to render a Google Map:

<script lang="ts">
    	import LoadScript from 'svelte-google-maps-api/LoadScript.svelte';
	import GoogleMap from 'svelte-google-maps-api//GoogleMap.svelte';

	const options = {
		zoom: 4,
		center: {lat: -33, lng: 151},

	const handleLoad = (map: google.maps.Map) => {
		// do something with the loaded map

<LoadScript apiKey={yourApiKey}>
	<GoogleMap {options} onLoad={handleLoad} />



Property Type Description
position google.maps.LatLng | google.maps.LatLngLiteral Specifies the position of the marker.
options google.maps.MarkerOptions An object containing options for the marker, such as its icon, title, etc.
onClick ((e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent) => void) Event handler for when the marker is clicked.
onClickableChanged (() => void) Event handler for when the marker's 'clickable' property is changed.
onCursorChanged (() => void) Event handler for when the marker's 'cursor' property is changed.
onAnimationChanged (() => void) Event handler for when the marker's 'animation' property is changed.
onDblClick ((e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent) => void) Event handler for when the marker is double-clicked.
onDrag ((e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent) => void) Event handler for when the marker is dragged.
onDragEnd ((e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent) => void) Event handler for when the dragging of the marker ends.
onDraggableChanged (() => void) Event handler for when the marker's 'draggable' property is changed.
onDragStart ((e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent) => void) Event handler for when the dragging of the marker starts.
onFlatChanged (() => void) Event handler for when the marker's 'flat' property is changed.
onIconChanged (() => void) Event handler for when the marker's 'icon' property is changed.
onMouseDown ((e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent) => void) Event handler for when the mouse button is pressed on the marker.
onMouseOut ((e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent) => void) Event handler for when the mouse leaves the area of the marker.
onMouseOver ((e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent) => void) Event handler for when the mouse enters the area of the marker.
onMouseUp ((e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent) => void) Event handler for when the mouse button is released on the marker.
onPositionChanged (() => void) Event handler for when the marker's 'position' property is changed.
onRightClick ((e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent) => void) Event handler for when the marker is right-clicked.
onShapeChanged (() => void) Event handler for when the marker's 'shape' property is changed.
onTitleChanged (() => void) Event handler for when the marker's 'title' property is changed.
onVisibleChanged (() => void) Event handler for when the marker's 'visible' property is changed.
onZindexChanged (() => void) Event handler for when the marker's 'zIndex' property is changed.
onLoad ((marker: google.maps.Marker) => void) Event handler for when the marker is added to the map. This event fires after the marker's position has been changed for the first time, but before the marker's click event and the map's mousemove and idle events.
onUnmount ((marker: google.maps.Marker) => void) Event handler for when the marker is removed from the map.


<script lang="ts">
	import GoogleMap from 'svelte-google-maps-api//GoogleMap.svelte';
	import Marker from 'svelte-google-maps-api//Marker.svelte';

	const position = {lat: 37.7749, lng: -122.4194};
	const options = {
		draggable: true,
		title: "Hello, World!"

	<Marker {position} {options} />