
This repository contains a comprehensive analysis of student progress using various factors like extracurricular activities, parental support, gender, ethnicity, and more. The dataset includes 2,392 students and examines how different variables influence academic performance and participation in extracurricular activities.

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Student Progress Analysis

This repository contains a comprehensive analysis of student progress using various factors like extracurricular activities, parental support, gender, ethnicity, and more. The dataset includes 2,392 students and examines how different variables influence academic performance and participation in extracurricular activities.



The analysis provides insights into the following:

  • Total Students Analyzed: 2,392
  • Extracurricular Participation: 917 students
  • Parental Support: 2,180 students
  • Students Without Parental Support: 212 students
  • Gender Distribution: 1,170 males and 1,222 females

Key Visualizations

  1. Sports Participation: Shows the proportion of students engaged in sports activities.
  2. Tutoring Participation: Illustrates the percentage of students receiving tutoring.
  3. GPA and Extracurricular Activities: Examines the relationship between GPA and involvement in extracurricular activities by gender.
  4. Grade Class and Tutoring: Analyzes tutoring involvement across different grade levels.
  5. Parental Support by Ethnicity: Breaks down the levels of parental support among various ethnic groups.
  6. Parental Support and Education: Correlates the level of parental support with the education level of parents.


The dataset is taken from Kaggle, Student_performance_data.csv, includes the following columns:

  • Student ID: Unique identifier for each student
  • Gender: Gender of the student (Male/Female)
  • Age: Age of the student
  • GradeClass: The grade or class the student is in
  • GPA: Grade Point Average of the student
  • Ethnicity: Ethnic background of the student
  • ParentalSupport: Level of parental support (None, Low, Moderate, High, Very High)
  • ParentalEducation: Education level of the parents (None, High School, Some College, Bachelor’s, Higher)
  • Sports: Participation in sports activities (Yes/No)
  • Tutoring: Whether the student receives tutoring (Yes/No)
  • Extracurricular: Involvement in extracurricular activities (Yes/No)

Problems Identified and Solutions

1. Low Participation in Extracurricular Activities

Problem: Only 38% of students are engaged in extracurricular activities, indicating a significant portion of students might be missing out on the benefits of such involvement.

Solution: Increase awareness of the importance of extracurricular activities by organizing events that highlight their value. Additionally, provide more diverse options to cater to different student interests.

2. Disparities in Parental Support

Problem: A small but significant portion of students (8.9%) lack parental support, which could impact their academic performance and overall well-being.

Solution: Implement mentorship programs where students with low or no parental support can be paired with mentors. This can help bridge the gap and provide the necessary guidance and support.

3. Gender Imbalance in GPA and Extracurricular Participation

Problem: There is a noticeable difference in GPA and extracurricular participation between male and female students, with females participating slightly less in extracurricular activities.

Solution: Encourage balanced participation by addressing any potential biases or barriers that might be limiting female students’ involvement in extracurricular activities. This could involve promoting gender-neutral activities or addressing stereotypes.

4. Inconsistent Tutoring Support Across Grades

Problem: There is a disparity in tutoring support across different grade levels, with students in higher grades (Grade 3 and 4) receiving more tutoring compared to lower grades.

Solution: Introduce tutoring support earlier, especially for lower grades, to build a strong academic foundation. This could help improve overall performance and reduce the need for intensive tutoring in higher grades.

5. Impact of Parental Education on Student Support

Problem: Students whose parents have lower levels of education tend to receive less support, which might affect their academic outcomes.

Solution: Provide workshops and resources for parents, particularly those with lower educational backgrounds, to equip them with the skills and knowledge to better support their children’s education.

6. Underrepresentation of Certain Ethnic Groups in High Parental Support

Problem: Certain ethnic groups, particularly African American and Asian students, are underrepresented in categories of high and very high parental support.

Solution: Collaborate with community organizations to provide culturally relevant support programs that engage parents from underrepresented ethnic groups, helping them to better support their children’s education.

7. Age-Based Participation Decline

Problem: There is a slight decline in participation in extracurricular activities and sports as students age, particularly by the age of 18.

Solution: Re-engage older students by tailoring extracurricular activities to their interests and future aspirations. Consider integrating career-oriented programs and internships that can align with their academic goals.

8. Limited Engagement in Sports Activities

Problem: A significant portion of students (30.35%) do not participate in sports, potentially missing out on the physical and mental health benefits.

Solution: Introduce a wider variety of sports and physical activities that appeal to students with different interests and physical capabilities. Additionally, provide education on the importance of physical health and its connection to academic success.

Tools Used The analysis was conducted using Power BI for creating interactive and insightful data visualizations. Additionally, Google Colab was utilized for performing the data analysis in Python. You can view the Colab notebook here.