
CS224n Solutions

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

CS224n Assignment Soultions Winter 2021

Following the course of Stanford CS224n: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning, this repository is for my solutions for the assignments of the course.

Assignment 1: Introduction to word vectors

  1. Exploring Word Vectors - notebook

Assignment 2: Derivatives and implementation of word2vec algorithm

  1. Written: Understanding word2vec - notebook
  2. Coding: Implementing word2vec - word2vec.py / sgd.py

Assignment 3: Dependency parsing and neural network foundations

  1. Written: Neural Network Techniques(Adam & Dropout), Dependency Parsing - notebook
  2. Coding: Implementing a Neural Transition-Based Dependency Parser - parser_transitions.py / parser_model.py / run.py

Assignment 4: Neural Machine Translation with sequence-to-sequence, attention, and subwords

Assignment 5: Self-supervised learning and fine-tuning with Transformers


*Summaries for the lecutres are in my blog.
*Since May 2022