
web-admin for shadowsocks/r

Primary LanguageHTML

Shadowsocks/r web manager

English |中文


This project is used to manage users of shadowsocks/r working with another excellent shell writen by doubi, aiming to make it easier for you to share your shadowsocks/r with you firends Please be aware that there was no security tests on this project


Admin user:
  • 1、add user

  • 2、delete user

  • 3、change settings

Visitor: (with a suffix)(/visitor)
  • see infos

System supported

Debian 9 only


Python3.6 required

Web Framework



Before you start this web, make sure you have installed another awesome shell 'ssrmu.sh'. If not, please click here to install it.

Switch to super user root using sudo su

Method 1

Git is also required, using apt install git

And surely python3 apt install python3

Clone this project to /usr/local using git clone https://github.com/131mm/ssweb-web.py.git /usr/local/ssweb-web.py and cd into it cd /usr/local/ssweb-web.py


  1. install nginx using apt install nginx
  2. change the server_name in file 'nginx' to your domain
  3. install apache2-utils using apt install apache2-utils
  4. generate password using htpasswd -c /etc/nginx/passwd.db username
  5. change the website in line 3 of file 'ssr.py' to your domain
  6. copy file nginx in to /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ using cp nginx /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
  7. restart nginx with nginx -s reload
  8. install venv and pip using apt install python3-venv python3-pip
  9. create virtual-env for web.py using python3 -m venv venv
    10.start it bash run.sh
Or Method 2
apt install python3 python3-pip python3-venv git nginx apache2-utils -y;
git clone https://github.com/131mm/ssweb-web.py.git /usr/local/ssweb-web.py;
cd /usr/local/ssweb-web.py;
  1. change the server_name in line 3 of file 'nginx' to your domain
  2. change the website in line 3 of file 'ssr.py' to your domain
  3. cp nginx /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/;
  4. change the username to anything you like and generate your password htpasswd -c /etc/nginx/passwd.db username
nginx -s reload;
python3 -m venv venv;
bash run.sh;


homepage: user_infos




edit user_config:
