FLOSS Advocate - SysAdmin - Security - Politics - Economy - History - Technology - Video Games - Music
ManumitUnited States
1337god's Followers
- afonso-pereiraPortugal
- alexconrado
- AndreCatarinoISEG - University of Lisbon
- Andrer757@Simdea
- Baldur10Hong Kong
- betwinam
- BrokenValkyrie47
- catarinabInstituto Superior Técnico
- catsmellsJ-ARK Innovations, Inc.
- correia-joaoPortugal
- cuteolafVancouver
- damiultimateNigeria
- dollproxy
- dtfabioUniversity of Molise
- dw5
- fxvnderCoimbra Institute of Engineering
- grm34@Neternels
- guilhaeCondeixa-a-Nova
- hacker8853localhost:3000
- josealvesmacieljuniorJOSE ALVES MACIEL JUNIOR.
- KorinkuPortugal
- LegitJaz
- miles1313Venictrade
- mmeyer2k
- monicahi
- NoahDrucker@Smartproxy
- OnikenX
- renato-craveiro
- sherifsameh
- Soulmate69
- telmoa-dev
- toum120
- upmorpheus
- WandersonduProgramador
- xchanmolxManigos Information Technology Solutions
- xnjoorodCastelo Branco, Portugal