This project converts plaintext to morsecode and vice-versa in realtime. We can choose the required conversion by selecting from the combobox. This project uses International Morse Code
- Uppercase, lowercase, spaces and numbers are supported.
- Converted morse uses
as character delimiter. - A space is delimited as
- Only uppercase, spaces and numbers are supported.
- Two successive morse characters are delimited by
- A space is delimited as
The application is a QT 6.2.0
Widget application and uses CMake as its build system.
cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<qt-install-path> -B <build-dir> -G "Visual Studio 17 2022"
cmake --build <build-dir> --config Release
- The application uses for the unit tests
- To run the tests we go to the and run ctest to run all tests.
cd <build-dir> ; ctest -C Release -VV
⚠️ On GitHub Actions, unable to see the test report with CTest verbose enabled or running the test binary directly.
- We use
to prepare a Windows deployment along with related Qt dependencies. - To create a deployment, we do
windeployqt <path-to-built-qt-binary>
- We use GitHub Actions to do CI.
- The workflow file is present here --> build-qt.yml
- The workflow runs automatically
- On a new push to main branch or
- When a PR is created against the main branch
- The workflow
- Installs QT
- Sets up CMake
- Installs MSBuild
- Builds src & test projects in Release mode by default (configurable).
- Creates a Windows deployment
- Publishes the release conditionally based on workflow_dispatch
- Currently a new release is published only when running the action manually.
- We use the workflow_dispatch to publish a release, by default it is set to false.
- To publish a release go to the Actions tab.
- Then select
Run Workflow
, choose the branch, checkPublish Release
and selectRun Workflow
button - The workflow will create a tag in the format
and publishes a release in the same name.
ℹ️ This requires a Windows OS
- Go to Releases and find the release tagged
- Download
and extract it. - Run