
Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT

Steps for iOS Integration

  • Step 0: IOS Configuration

    • PGSDK provided in the IOS plugin can be downloaded from here
    • Add library to the project.
    • Add System configuration framework.
  • Step 1: Merchant configuration

    • SDK identifies each Merchant by PGMerchantConfiguration object. You can configure this anywhere in the code before the first transaction with necessary parameters. It requires only one time configuration. Since it is singleton Class, you may utilize the same for any transaction within your application.

    • Objective – C

      //You will get default PGMerchantConfiguration object. By setting the below properties of object you can make a fully configured merchant object.

      PGMerchantConfiguration *mc = [PGMerchantConfiguration defaultConfiguration];

  • Step 2: Order Creation:

    • Create the order with the mandatory parameters, as given below in the code snippet. In addition to this, you may add other optional parameters as needed.

    • Objective – C

      NSMutableDictionary * orderDict = [NSMutableDictionary new];

      //Merchant configuration in the order object

      orderDict[@"MID"] = @"WorldP64421234564247";

      orderDict[@"CHANNEL_ID"] = @"WAP";

      orderDict[@"INDUSTRY_TYPE_ID"] = @"Retail";

      orderDict[@"WEBSITE"] = @"worldpressplg";

      //Order configuration in the order object

      orderDict[@"TXN_AMOUNT"] = @"1";

      orderDict[@"ORDER_ID"] = [ViewController generateOrderIDWithPrefix:@""];

      orderDict[@"CALLBACK_URL"] = @"https://securegw.paytm.in/theia/paytmCallback?ORDER_ID=<ORDER_ID>";

      orderDict[@"CHECKSUMHASH"] = @"w2QDRMgp1234567JEAPCIOmNgQvsi+BhpqijfM9KvFfRiPmGSt3Ddzw+oTaGCLneJwxFFq5mqTMwJXdQE2EzK4px2xruDqKZjHupz9yXev4=";

      orderDict[@"REQUEST_TYPE"] = @"DEFAULT";

      orderDict[@"CUST_ID"] = @"1234567890";

      PGOrder *order = [PGOrder orderWithParams:orderDict];

  • Step 3:

    • Choose the PG server. In your production build don’t call selectServerDialog. Just create an instance of the PGTransactionViewController and set the serverType to eServerTypeProduction

    • Objective – C

      [PGServerEnvironment selectServerDialog:self.view completionHandler:^(ServerType type)


      PGTransactionViewController *txnController = [[PGTransactionViewController alloc] initTransactionForOrder:order];

      if (type != eServerTypeNone) {

      txnController.serverType = type;

      txnController.merchant = mc;

      txnController.delegate = self;

      [self showController:txnController];



  • Step 4: Implement The PGTransactionDelegate protocol.

    • The following code snippet shows how the callback will be handled.

    • Objective-C

      //Called when a transaction has completed. response dictionary will be having details about Transaction.

      -(void)didFinishedResponse:(PGTransactionViewController *)controller response:(NSString *)responseString;

      //Called when a user has been canceled the transaction.

      -(void)didCancelTrasaction:(PGTransactionViewController *)controller;

      //Called when a required parameter is missing.

      -(void)errorMisssingParameter:(PGTransactionViewController *)controller error:(NSError *) error;

Paytm iOS Kit

Note: kindly add the dependency in your project SystemConfiguration.framework

SDK Documentation


SDK work flow


IOS Integration Flow


Checksum Utilities













Transaction Status API


Steps to configure via PODS

  1. Pod init in the project Directory. It will create a Podfile.
  2. Add source 'https://github.com/Paytm-Payments/Paytm_iOS_App_Kit.git' source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git' at the top of the podfile
  3. Add pod 'Paytm-Payments' in the pod file.
  4. Save and run pod install in the terminal
  5. Open xcorkspace
  6. Go to App Target -> Build Phases -> Link Binaries with libraries and add SystemConfiguaration.framework
  7. Go to Pods Target -> Build Phases -> Link Binaries with libraries and add drag libPaymentsSDK.a there From Pods Resources