
we made this project for algorithm design course in University of Isfahan

Primary LanguageJava


Carpet Weaving Factory Management System

Welcome to the Algorithm Design Course Project for the University of Isfahan! In this project, we will be creating a comprehensive management system for a carpet weaving factory. The aim of this project is to showcase the application of various algorithms that we have learned throughout the semester in solving real-world problems. Project Overview

The project focuses on designing a system that efficiently manages the operations of a carpet weaving factory. The factory consists of different departments, including design, sales, distribution, and more. We will be applying a range of algorithms to solve specific challenges within each department, demonstrating their practical use and effectiveness. Departments and Algorithms

Design Department:
    Utilize color algorithms to optimize the color selection process for carpets, ensuring aesthetically pleasing and harmonious designs.

Sales Department:
    Apply sorting and searching algorithms to manage inventory and locate specific carpet designs quickly based on customer requests.

Distribution Department:
    Implement graph algorithms (Dijkstra and Floyd) to optimize the delivery routes for carpets to various regions, minimizing transportation costs and time.

Inventory Management:
    Use the backpack algorithm to determine the most profitable combination of carpet designs to include in the inventory, considering factors such as demand and production costs.

Getting Started

Follow these instructions to understand and participate in the project:

Familiarize yourself with the algorithm concepts covered in the course, including color algorithms, sorting, searching, graph algorithms (Dijkstra and Floyd), and the backpack algorithm.

Review the specifications and requirements of each department provided in the project documentation.

Design and implement algorithms to address the challenges presented in each department.

Test your algorithms using various scenarios and datasets to ensure their correctness and efficiency.

Document your implementation process, including algorithm descriptions, pseudo-code, and any optimizations made.

Create a report detailing the application of different algorithms, challenges faced, solutions, and results obtained.


This project is a collaborative effort of the Algorithm Design course participants. Feel free to collaborate with your classmates, exchange ideas, and provide support. Remember to respect academic integrity and acknowledge contributions appropriately.