
java social media in terminal that you can have sign up & login in Java FX

Primary LanguageJava


The Java Terminal Social Media Application is a command-line tool built with Java and JavaFX that provides users with the ability to sign up, log in, and interact within a simple social media environment. This project showcases the implementation of user authentication and basic social media features through a terminal interface.

Project Overview

The application aims to simulate a social media platform in a terminal environment, offering users the functionality to create accounts, log in, post messages, and view posts from other users. The project emphasizes user authentication and basic interaction, serving as a practical exercise for Java and JavaFX programming skills. Features

User Authentication: Users can sign up by creating an account with a unique username and password. Existing users can log in securely to access their account.

Post Messages: Logged-in users can post messages or updates for others to see.

View Posts: Users can view the latest posts from other users in a chronological order.

Getting Started

Follow these instructions to compile and run the Java Terminal Social Media Application on your machine. Prerequisites

Java Development Kit (JDK) 8 or later
JavaFX library

Compilation and Execution

Clone the repository to your local machine:


git clone //github.com/your-username/terminal-social-media.git

Navigate to the project directory:


cd terminal-social-media

Compile the program:


javac --module-path /path/to/javafx-sdk/lib --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml -d out src/*.java

Replace /path/to/javafx-sdk with the actual path to your JavaFX SDK installation.

Run the program:


java --module-path /path/to/javafx-sdk/lib --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml -cp out Main


Sign Up:
    At the initial screen, select the "Sign Up" option.
    Provide a unique username and password to create a new account.

Log In:
    After signing up, return to the main screen and select the "Log In" option.
    Enter your username and password to access your account.

Post Messages:
    Once logged in, choose the "Post" option.
    Type your message and press Enter to post it.

View Posts:
    Select the "View Posts" option to see the latest posts from all users.

Screenshot 1402-05-19 at 22 07 06 Screenshot 1402-05-19 at 22 07 19 Screenshot 1402-05-19 at 22 07 35