
An Android Bluetooth Low Energy ( BLE ) GATT Client. Used to scan and connect to GATT Servers on nearby BLE Devices.

Primary LanguageJava


An Android Bluetooth Low Energy ( BLE ) GATT Client. Used to scan and connect to GATT Servers on nearby BLE Devices.

How to Setup Project: Clone or Download Repository from GitHub. In Android Studio, Open the downloaded folder as an existing project.

Below are a series of screenshots demonstrating how the UI if formatted.

On Start Scan Clicked - Found BLE Devices will be added to the "BLE Device Address" List.

On Device Address Clicked - Attempts to connect to the GATT Server on the device. If any services are found their UUIDs are added to the "Service UUID List"

On Service UUIDs Clicked - Reads the available characteristics in the selected service. If any characteristics are found their UUIDs are added to the Characteristics UUID List"

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