Algorithms and Data Structures Python

Getting Started

This repository contains all obligatory and some non compulsory exercise solutions for Algorithms and Data Structures course on AGH UST for the field of automatics controll and robotics.

First part (1-7) contains Data structures Second part (8-14) contains Algorithms


  • Lab1: Matrix, Chio determinant
  • Lab2: Linked list, recursive linked list
  • Lab3: Cirrcular array
  • Lab4: Hash table, skipping list
  • Lab5: Binary search tree
  • Lab6: Heap
  • Lab7: Graph, coloring graph
  • Lab8: Heapsort, shellsort
  • Lab9: Prim's method minnimum spanning tree, segmentation
  • Lab10: Ford Fulkerson algorithm
  • Lab11: Ullman algorithm
  • Lab12: Searching pattern in text
  • Lab13: String matching
  • Lab14: Convex hull