
The project is used to record, retrieve, and update the issue in the hospital, it's a full JavaScript backend project.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The project is used to record, retrieve, and update the issue in the hospital, it's a full JavaScript backend project.

1. Npm dependencies

This project builds via node.js, express, multer, morgan, dotenv, cors, sequelize  

2. Run project

Please make sure you installed the node.js runtime on your PC, and modify the config in config.env

  • For users without yarn:
npm i yarn -g


  • Run project in dev mode
cd medical-info-track
yarn install
yarn run dev


3. Deploy with pm2

  • For users without pm2
npm i pm2 -g


  • Deploy server
pm2 start server.js
  • Monitor the server log
pm2 monit


4. API Doc(generated by APIFOX):