
Our project is called Streetsmart.

The goal of Streetsmart is to offer intelligent recommendations for users regarding travel routes. The suggestions are based on area analysis, particularly with a focus on high traffic crime and dangerous places in general. The intention is to have users of the application feel safe when they are out on the streets, and be able to take the route that prioritizes their safety. Our exigence for creating this project is that we discussed the dangers of walking back home at night, around unfamiliar areas and unprecedented routes, and emphasized the value in making something that could help ameliorate those situations so that our community can be more protected as a whole. For our project, we focused on crime in the Los Angeles area, as there is a substantial amount of criminal activity there respectively: here is the dataset we referenced - https://www.kaggle.com/code/guslovesmath/los-angeles-crime-data-quick-eda