
An addition for `aiogram` which allows you to create different forms and process user input step by step easily.

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aiogram-forms is an addition for aiogram which allows you to create different forms and process user input step by step easily.


Documentation can be found here.


pip install aiogram-forms


Create form you need by subclassing aiogram_forms.forms.Form. Fields can be added from aiogram_forms.forms.fields subpackage.

from aiogram_forms import dispatcher
from aiogram_forms.forms import Form, fields, FormsManager
from aiogram_forms.errors import ValidationError

def validate_username_format(value: str):
    """Validate username starts with leading @."""
    if not value.startswith('@'):
        raise ValidationError('Username should starts with "@".', code='username_prefix')

class TestForm(Form):
    username = fields.TextField(
        'Username', min_length=4, validators=[validate_username_format],
        error_messages={'min_length': 'Username must contain at least 4 characters!'}
    email = fields.EmailField('Email', help_text='We will send confirmation code.')
    phone = fields.PhoneNumberField('Phone number', share_contact=True)
    language = fields.ChoiceField('Language', choices=(
        ('English', 'en'),
        ('Russian', 'ru')

    async def callback(cls, message: types.Message, forms: FormsManager, **data) -> None:
        data = await forms.get_data('test-form')  # Get form data from state
        await message.answer(
            text=f'Thank you, {data["username"]}!',
            reply_markup=types.ReplyKeyboardRemove()  # Use this for reset if last field contains keyboard

router = Router()

async def command_start(message: types.Message, forms: FormsManager) -> None:
    await forms.show('test-form')  # Start form processing

async def main():
    dp = Dispatcher()

    dispatcher.attach(dp)  # Attach aiogram to forms dispatcher 

    bot = Bot(...)
    await dp.start_polling(bot)


All notable changes to this project will be documented in CHANGELOG file.