The goal of this library is to generate everything you need to create programs using Free monad, without boilerplate.
It is built using scala.meta, Cats and a bit of Shapeless.
Liberator supports only Scala 2.11 due to missing support of 2.12 from scala.meta paradise (subject to change very soon)
To start using Liberator add the following to your build.sbt
scalaOrganization := "org.typelevel"
libraryDependencies += "io.aecor" %% "liberator" % "0.1.0"
scalacOptions += "-Ypartial-unification"
addCompilerPlugin("org.scalameta" % "paradise" % "3.0.0-beta4" cross CrossVersion.full)
trait KeyValueStore[F[_]] {
def setValue(key: String, value: String): F[Unit]
def getValue(key: String): F[Option[String]]
The code above will be expanded at compile time to this (desanitized for brevity):
trait KeyValueStore[F[_]] {
def setValue(key: String, value: String): F[Unit]
def getValue(key: String): F[Option[String]]
object KeyValueStore {
// A helper method to get an instance of KeyValueStore[F]
def apply[F[_]](implicit instance: KeyValueStore[F]): KeyValueStore[F] = instance
// A free AST
sealed abstract class KeyValueStoreFree[A] extends Product with Serializable
object KeyValueStoreFree {
final case class SetValue(key: String, value: String) extends KeyValueStoreFree[Unit]
final case class GetValue(key: String) extends KeyValueStoreFree[Option[String]]
// A function to convert a natural transformation to your trait
def fromFunctionK[F[_]](f: KeyValueStoreFree ~> F]): KeyValueStore[F] =
new KeyValueStore[F] {
def setValue(key: String, value: String): F[Unit] =
f(KeyValueStoreFree.SetValue(key, value))
def getValue(key: String): F[Option[String]] =
// A function to create a natural tranformation from your trait
def toFunctionK[F[_]](ops: KeyValueStore[F]): KeyValueStoreFree ~> F =
new (KeyValueStoreFree ~> F) {
def apply[A](op: KeyValueStoreFree[A]): F[A] = op match {
case KeyValueStoreFree.SetValue(key, value) => ops.setValue(key, value)
case KeyValueStoreFree.GetValue(key) => ops.getValue(key)
type FreeHelper1[F[_]] = { type Out[A] = Free[F, A] } //workaround of a bug in scala.meta
implicit def freeInstance[F[_]](implicit inject: Inject[KeyValueStoreFree, F]): KeyValueStore[FreeHelper1[F]#Out] =
fromFunctionK(new (KeyValueStoreFree ~> FreeHelper1[F]#Out) {
def apply[A](op: KeyValueStoreFree[A]): Free[F, A] = Free.inject(op)
implicit val freeAlgebra: FreeAlgebra.Aux[KeyValueStore, KeyValueStoreFree] =
new FreeAlgebra[KeyValueStore] {
type Out[A] = KeyValueStoreFree[A]
override def apply[F[_]](of: KeyValueStore[F]): KeyValueStoreFree ~> F =
Given all above you can write your programs like this
trait Logging[F[_]] {
def debug(s: String): F[Unit]
def program[F[_]: Monad: KeyValueStore: Logging](key: String): F[String] =
for {
value <- KeyValueStore[F].getValue(key)
_ <- Logging[F].debug(s"Got value $value")
newValue = UUID.randomUUID().toString
_ <- KeyValueStore[F].setValue(key, newValue)
_ <- Logging[F].debug(s"Update value to $newValue")
} yield newValue
val freeAlgebra = FreeAlgebra[ProductKK[KeyValueStore, Logging, ?[_]]]
// Notice that you don't have to know anything about presence of AST
val freeProgram = program[Free[freeAlgebra.Out, ?]]("key")
val taskKeyValueStore: KeyValueStore[Task] = ???
val taskLogging: Logging[Task] = ???
val task = freeProgram.foldMap(freeAlgebra(ProductKK(taskKeyValueStore, taskLogging)))
task.runAsync // the only side-effecting call
- Only supports liberation of traits of kind
* -> *