
Modify native console object to emit events, plus set verbosity

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Build Status

Intercept and send events for console.log and friends in the browser. Why? To receive callback events when methods like console.log or console.error are called, and to mute native console methods (like log) in production.


NOTE: This module is still under development! Use in production at your own risk!

npm install console-hijack

...Then Include dist/console-hijack-browser.min.js in your project. See examples for more info.


Including this script on your page automatically hijacks the following console methods: [LOG, INFO, WARN, ERROR];

To receive a callback for a given method, simply listen to it:

document.addEventListener('console.log', callback);
console.log('hi mom'); // will trigger callback, and log to console!


The callback function is invoked with a payload that has the following signature:

  type: [String], // the method called, like 'console.log'
  messages: [Array] // an array of all arguments passed - `console.log('hi', 'mom')` becomes `['hi', 'mom']`

log level

Log level constants and log level state have been added to the native console object. To change levels that print to the console and fire events, set console.LOG_LEVEL to a console.LOG_LEVELS constant. Setting the log level will mute everything below that level. For example, setting the log level to WARN will mute LOG and INFO. The default level is LOG

console.LOG_LEVEL = console.LOG_LEVELS.WARN

The order of log leves is [LOG, INFO, WARN, ERROR], with ERROR being the highest level and LOG being the lowest level.


Any console method can be reverted to it's native behavior (no events, does not honor log levels) by calling console.method.restore(), for example: console.log.restore().

Restored methods can be re-hijacked by calling their hijack method, for example you will start receiving events for a restored console.log by calling console.log.hijack();